It’ssnowingasI walk to my drawing class. My attentions keep going up toward the clouds. It’s hard not to watch the snow, not to stare at the mountains in the distance. I love winter in Colorado. It always looks so magical with everything covered in snow. Of course, I hate the ice and the cold, but everything terrible, I find, can be solved with a hot cocoa or a delicious cup of coffee.

Well, almost everything.

Eventually, I forgave Alex and Seth for being complete assholes at the airport, although it will take me a while to feel better about the whole situation. Sure, it sucks Dad knows about me and the bros. I wasn’t ready to tell him anything, especially given him and Mom are getting a divorce.

My shoulders slump.

How can they be getting a divorce? Of course, I understand Dad’s point of view. Mom cheated on him. She broke his trust. However, growing up with them all my life, they always seemed so in love. Even after their fights, they forgave each other and life would go back to normal.

But is love enough?

I wish there was something I can do to help Dad, to help Mom. There’s probably nothing I can do. Dad seems to have his mind made up. Maybe they had more issues than I thought. At that thought, my phone vibrates in my jacket and the moment I grab it and stare down at the caller ID, I release a frustrated groan.


I reject the call immediately and stuff the device back in my pocket. Turning away from the mountains, I redirect my attentions on getting to class. I don’t have time to be speaking with him, let alone explaining to him why I have four boyfriends rather than the usual one. I’ll have to speak with him eventually. I won’t be able to put it off forever, but I can at least wait until after class, or the weekend, or next week.

All thoughts of Dad and the divorce are stamped down the moment I enter my drawing 202 class. I spot Charlie sitting in the back corner, looking bored as she stares down at her phone. Her hair has gotten a bit longer and her makeup has become less bright. A mauve purple colors her lips while her eyes are lined in black, matching her fingernails. She glances up briefly and offers me a bright smile.

“Hey!” she shouts, a little too loudly while she waves her hand.

I smile awkwardly as I step toward her, ignoring the curious glances. Charlie grabs her black purse from the seat next to her and drops it on the floor at her feet. “How was your vacation?”

I groan as I dump my body in the seat next to her. “I don’t want to talk about it. How about yours?”

Charlie rolls her eyes. “Absolutely boring.” She leans against her desk, giving me a mischievous look. “I think it’s official. I have fucked essentially everyone in my home town. There is no one left to date.”

“That can’t be true,” I say quickly, my voice hushed compared to hers. Several people glance over their shoulder at the two of us, giving us annoyed and judgmental looks. “I’m sure there’s someone.”

Charlie presses her forehead against her desk and groans. “No, there is no one. It’s either I’ve already fucked them, or they’re a complete fucking idiot.”

“Well, have you tried looking in Aurora?”She turns to me, her face still on the desk. Her eyes narrow as she purses her lips, looking slightly annoyed. “Really? You think I can date anyone here in this sport driven town?” She sighs as she picks herself up. “Doubtful. Jocks are nice to look at, not really the best to speak to.”

I shrug. “I wouldn’t say that. I talk to the bros all the time.”

Charlie groans. “That’s because you got the only four interesting ones.”

I smile and shake my head. “Oh, please. Now you’re just being dramatic.”

“When am I not dramatic?” Charlie asks while straightening.

“Very true.”

She furrows her brow while tapping her chin. “Why don’t you want to talk about your vacation? I thought you had the bros come visit you in New York.”

I make a face. “Yeah, it was not the magical experience I expected it to be.”

“Don’t tell me Alex and Seth fought the whole time.”

“Oh, they definitely did,” I say with a chuckle. “But that’s not what made it terrible.”

Charlie tilts her head, confusion evident on her face. “Then what happened? Don’t tell me your mom caught you doing it again? Because if that’s the case you really need to think about getting a—”

Charlie’s words become drowned out as my I glance toward the door, finding someone I didn’t think I would ever see again. His blue eyes meet mine, shrouded in black rimmed glasses. His hair looks slightly different; shorter, no longer curling around his ears. There was a time I used to think him cute, a time I wanted to know how those lips would feel against mine. My heart stops, dropping to my gut while my skin prickles with either chill or fear. Most likely both. My eyes widen as I try to regain my breath. My hands grip the edge of my seat.

Is this really happening? Is he really here? Or am I imagining things?