Instead, I feel that anger returning. My eyes narrow into a dark scowl while the bitterness rises up my throat. “I think you should mind your own business,” I whisper harshly.

Turning on my heel, I stalk the rest of the way toward the cafe, ignoring Alex’s looming presence behind me as I go. Why does he care about my health? What’s it to him if I do well or fail? It’s not like we were ever close before. The only thing tying us together is Rachel. Take her out of the equation and I mean nothing to Alex.

Somehow that thought only makes me feel worse.

I throw open the door to the coffee shop and my anger disappears the moment I see Rachel perk up, a smile coming to her lips.

“Seth,” she says cheerfully.

The tension in my shoulders subside as I stare back at her. My heart feels as if it’s melting in her presence. She looks so beautiful with her golden hair braided, resting behind her. She’s dressed in a green shirt with a brown apron tied around her waist. The colors are boring and nothing is fashionable about how she’s dressed, but I still find her to be the most beautiful woman I have ever looked upon.

And that’s saying a lot since I have fucked a lot of ladies in my very short life.

Her eyes slide away from me and I feel the coldness returning, my bones becoming brittle as she says in an equally happy tone, “And Alex.”

“We’ve come for coffee!” Alex announces while striding past me.

I watch him lean against the counter, an easy smile on his face. Rachel leans toward him, nuzzling her nose against his. They look perfect together. The perfect couple. They don’t need me around anymore.

Because I’m nothing.

I’m worthless now that I’m not the best, now that I’m going to lose my scholarship and everything I ever wanted. If I don’t succeed in the track meet, will that mean I’ll lose Rachel, too?

“And what do you want?” Rachel says with a giggle.

“Something free, of course.”

Lucas scoffs from his hiding place behind the counter. He’s currently drying a cup with a towel. “You must be fucking kidding me,” he says with a dark scowl. “Why should you get free shit when you have the money for it?”

Alex shrugs. “Because I like free shit.”

Rachel chuckles while turning around, grabbing a mug from the rack of clean dishes. “I think I can make you a cappuccino. No syrup, though. That’s for paying customers. What about you, Seth?”

Treat your body like a temple, I hear Coach’s words repeating.

I usually get a latte, but I know I shouldn’t. There’re so many calories in lattes and I need to be in the best condition possible if I’m going to beat anyone at the meet. This was a dumb idea. I should be home, either running or weight training. I should be stretching. I should be planning out my meals. If I’m thinner, I’ll be faster. If I’m faster, I can stay. I can keep my scholarship and be with Rachel.

I’m about to tell her I’m leaving, but then I see Alex taking her hand, kissing her knuckles. My hands fist and I stalk forward, nudging my way between them. “I’ll have a black coffee,” I say. There’re no calories in simple black coffee. It should be fine. Then I can stay with Rachel. It’s my turn to be with her, after all.

“Just black?” She asks, looking confused. “No milk? Cream? Sugar?”

I shake my head, my smile widening as I stare at her. “Nah. I want it as black as my soul.”