Rachel sighs, her hands fisting. She gives Seth and Alex a dark scowl before turning on her heel and stalking toward security. My heart goes with her. I feel so bad for her. Seth and Alex definitely need to be put on timeout for outing her like they did.

Tom shakes his head. “Did you know about this?” he asks Sarah.

Sarah groans. “You’ve been ignoring me all day and the moment you want to talk, you ask me that?”

“Well, did you?”

Sarah shakes her head while shoving her hand into her purse, grabbing the car keys. “If you want a ride home, then come with me now. Otherwise, call a taxi. I’m so done with you and this day.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“You boys better apologize to her,” Sarah says while pointing a finger at Seth and Alex.

“Yes,” Alex and Seth say in unison, their gazes drifting to the floor.

“Seriously, what does it mean?” Tom asks as he follows Sarah past us and toward the airport exit. “Is she really dating all four of them?”

I sigh and shake my head at Alex and Seth. “Really, you two,” I say, unable to hide my anger as I scowl down at them. “Did you really need to blow our cover like that? In front of Rachel’s dad, no less?”

“But—” Seth starts.

“I honestly don’t want to hear it,” says Lucas while crossing his arms. “You two have been absolutely unbearable this entire trip. I don’t want to hear another word from the both of you until we’re home. Got it?”

Alex and Seth both give a curt nod.

I turn, my hand pushing my hair away from my face as I search the airport, finding Rachel waiting in line at security. Well, at least she didn’t go far. I stalk toward her, hearing the others following behind me. I stop behind her, resting my hand on her shoulder. She doesn’t turn around, but her shoulders relax and she leans into my touch.

“Are you okay?”

Rachel shakes her head. “I just want to go home,” she whispers.

“Lucas yelled at Seth and Alex.”

Rachel doesn’t say anything. She steps forward, grabbing a box from underneath the table. I watch as she calmly takes off her shoes and places her things inside.

“Also, your dad didn’t seem angry. More like, shocked.”

Rachel nods.

“I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“I don’t think I have the energy to worry about it, Hunter.”

Rachel’s shoulders droop. She bites her bottom lip as a lone tear streams down her cheek. She’s trying so hard to stay strong. All I want to do is pull her into my arms and never let her go. I want to tell her that it doesn’t matter. Her parents don’t matter. They’ll love her no matter what she does. They’re not like Lucas’s parents. Even if they are selfish, they’re only human. People make mistakes in relationships all the time.

After leaving the security, I follow Rachel toward the gate, passing by several shops selling perfume and jewelry. “Do you want to talk about it?” I call after her.

Rachel shakes her head, not bothering to turn around and face me. “Honestly, I don’t want to think about it anymore. I just want to focus on getting home and starting the next semester without any more drama.”After finding our gate, I watch her dump her body into one of the black chairs. It squeaks with her weight, but she hardly takes notice as she leans forward, her elbows on her knees while she covers her face with one hand. I sit down across from her, wondering what I can say or do to help her. She looks so exhausted, so broken. Seth and Alex are so fucking dumb. Why can’t they get over themselves? Why are they always pushing each other’s limits? Don’t they see that it hurts Rachel?

I scowl in their general direction, finding them standing across from us, giving us space. Well, at least they’re not the dumb. They can see when Rachel needs to be left alone. Seth meets my gaze and my gaze narrows, my teeth grinding to keep my anger at bay. He winces and looks away. I know he feels bad, but he can take his guilt and stuff it up his ass. He should have known better.

We sit in silence for what seems like forever. I lean back in my chair, watching people come and go, listening to screaming children tugging on their parents’ hand as they point to a toy they pass. I suppress my amusement with a hand over my mouth, wondering if I acted similar in my youth. My amusement quickly drains as I watch the children pass, dragging behind them a dirty stuffed toy. I struggle against the thoughts surfacing within me, the same ones I’ve been trying to drown out. However, they are relentless and I can’t stop myself from wondering: What future do Rachel and I have? Do we even have a future together?

I grimace. Now is definitely not the time to bring up these questions. Not when Rachel is hurting. But when will be the right time? A dark voice whispers in my ear. When is it ever the right time? My hands clench the armrests as I struggle to push those dark thoughts away. But they’re right. Rachel and I need to talk. We need to discuss what will happen to us after the semester ends, and honestly it doesn’t look good.

“Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please?” a voice comes over the intercom. “Flight 782 for Boulder, Colorado is now boarding at Gate B-2.”

I grab my bag while Rachel hoists herself up. She trudges toward the line already forming at the gate, her head hanging low, her shoulders slumped. I grimace at the pain stabbing through my heart, hating how she’s struggling to keep herself together. Resting my hand on her shoulder, I try to give her some of my warmth, yet I don’t even think she notices. I hand my ticket to the flight attendant at the gate, watching her rip the pass, before quickly following after Rachel, hoping I can sit next to her and help her get through the flight.