“Fuck, Rachel,” Alex whispers before sucking on my earlobe. “You feel so fucking good.”

I moan and arch my back. His finger is circling around me faster, harder. Hunter pumps into me and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I toss back my head, the pleasure taking over me as I scream. Hunter and Alex moan in unison and I feel their bodies stilling as they spill their cum inside. I can’t stop screaming. I can’t stop twitching. The pleasure takes over me, making me fall deeper and harder over the abyss until finally I’m shivering and falling limp against Alex’s chest.

“Good girl,” Alex whispers while stroking my head. “So fucking good.”

Hunter pulls out of me, but I remain in Alex’s arms, unable to move. My eyes slowly close and I listen to my heartbeat throbbing in my chest. I don’t think I’ve ever had sex better than this before and it’s scary to think I can lose control so quickly.

I open one eye and watch Seth and Lucas lay down in my lap. Hunter sits to my side, stroking my arm. It’s scary to think I can lose control with them, but it’s also comforting to know they will always be by my side, that they’ll always care for me like this.

I close my eyes, a soft smile taking hold of me.

It will always be me and my bros.



“There!”Ishoutoncemy zipper is closed.

I sigh while rising from my suitcase. I had to sit on it in order for it to close. Knowing me, I probably packed too much. I’m only supposed to be in New York for a week and a half, but then again, a girl never knows what exactly she’ll need.

I frown at my luggage, worried at any moment it’s going to burst open and clothes are going to explode everywhere.It’ll be fine,I tell myself. Well, I definitely have traveled with more before.

“Are you ready?” Lucas asks while coming into my room, looking both excited and nervous. He frowns at my room, his gaze lingering on the discarded clothes on my bed and desk—the ones that didn’t quite make the cut. “What the hell happened in here?”

I sigh and shake my head at him. “Nothing. Just a bit of packing.”

“Packing?” Lucas raises an eyebrow and steps inside. “It looks like a tornado swept through here.”

“Are we ready to go?” Alex asks while running inside. He stops, his eyes widening on the mess in my room. “What the hell happened?”

I cross my arms. “Nothing. Someone care to grab my bag?”

“No,” says Lucas, giving me a knowing look. He knows me better by now. That thing is going to be ridiculously heavy.

“Sure,” Alex says cheerfully, reaching for my near to exploding suitcase.

Unfortunately for Alex, he’s still new to the group. And fortunately for me, he’s a gentleman. As Alex pulls on my suitcase, he groans, his eyes flying to me. “What is in this thing? A dead body?”

I chuckle and pat his arm while striding past him. “Nope. Just some clothes.”

“Clothes?” Alex shouts after me. “How can clothes possibly be this heavy?”

I don’t reply as I strut down the hall and towards the kitchen where Hunter and Seth are waiting. Hunter leans against the wall, his arms crossed with an uncertain look on his face. “You’re sure you’ll be alright?” he asks. “You don’t need me the whole trip?”

“No,” I say, again for the hundredth time. I place a hand on his arm. “Go be with your dad. We’ll see you in a week.”

“And you’ll meet us at the airport?”

I nod, again, for the hundredth time. “Yes, Hunter.”

“Our plane lands at-”

“Two o’clock on the twenty-eighth,” I finish for him. “I know.” I turn to Seth, finding him guzzling down a glass of water and trying not to look at me. “You’ll take care of this big lug for me, won’t you, Seth?”

He nods, but I can tell he’s still upset that he can’t go for the entire duration of the trip. His mother needs him at home to help out for a bit, and the ticket prices were a bit high due to it being the holidays and all.

“It won’t be that long.”