I don’t know why, but those words make me smile. “Bold words, Garcia.”

“And I’ll be trying out for the Olympics,” Seth rushes out, while leaning towards me, placing his hands on his hips.

I raise an eyebrow. “Even bolder.”

I turn away from Seth and lead the charge ahead but running slowly so Seth can keep up with me. Every now and then, I glance his way, wondering if he’s in pain, but there’s nothing but sheer determination on his face.

My lips twitch upwards into a grin. This is the Seth I’ve always liked. The one who stops at nothing to get what he wants.


I press my hands into the ground and look ahead at the mountains in the distance. It’s the last race of the year, the last race I must win in order to keep my perfect record. I smile at the mountains, feeling the adrenaline surge through my muscles. My body quivers as I wait for the trigger of the gun to be pulled, for the sound to go off and release me. My gaze lowers and I stare at the line in front of my foot. My heart pounds in my ears. The sounds of cheering fade away. I look to the left and see one opponent scowling ahead of him. I turn to my right and see another, his nostrils flaring as he tries to keep his cool. My gaze goes past him to the crowd standing in the bleaches and I smile.

Rachel jumps up and down, holding a bright pink sign, my name written in glitter on it. Hunter and Lucas stand on either side of her, punching the air with their fists while shouting something I cannot here. My gaze goes to Seth, sitting in a chair, scowling at me while holding a white sign with:Go! Alex! Go!written in purple. I chuckle and shake my head while turning to face the mountains.

My new family.

It’s so strange to think that now. After feeling so alone these past few months, I finally have a group I belong to. If someone had told me in September, I would be hanging out with Seth Garcia, I wouldn’t have believed them. If they had told me I would be dating Rachel, I wouldn’t have believed them either.

It’s strange to think how so many things can change within a short period of time.

The gun fires, the sound ringing in my ears, and I lunge forward. My arms pump at my sides. My feet move as if they are flying in the wind. The air is chilly, prickling my skin, but I’m hardly aware of it as I focus my gaze on the mountains in the distance, their snowy tops staring back at me.

My breath comes out in gasps as I race past the other athletes. It’s so easy. Too easy. I know I can do this. I know I can make it to the Olympics. And hopefully, maybe, Seth will be running with me.

Wouldn’t that be an amazing dream?

My hands lift to the sky, and I toss back my head as I run through the red line, feeling it smack and tug against my chest before pulling away. The pounding in my ears fades away and I hear cheering all around me.

“Alex! Alex! Alex!” my teammates call as I run past them, smacking my hand against their outstretched palms.

Coach gives me a thumbs up sign as I continue running, unable to stop.

“Alex!” I hear Rachel call as I run to her, throwing my arms around her and pulling her to me.

I spin us around, laughing while she giggles. Hunter and Lucas pat my back.

“Congratulations,” says Lucas.

“Good game?” Hunter says, looking confused.

I meet Seth’s frown and slowly lower Rachel. Seth fumbles with the sign, pinned underneath his arm. He holds out a hand, glowering at me. “Congratulations,” he mutters. “You did well.”

I grab his hand and give him a firm shake. “Thanks, Sethie.”



“Ugh,whendoesitever end?” I groan while stretching my arms over my head.

French books have taken over the entirety of my bed. Alex sits across from me, cross-legged, with a notebook in his lap and a French book opened at his side. I don’t know why he’s even bothering to study. He’s practically fluent. The only reason why he’s here with me, is for emotional support.

“I think you’ll be fine,” Alex says while snapping his book shut. “You’ve been studying for hours. You should take a break.” He pushes the notebook out of his lap and leans towards me.

I tap my pencil against my knee, not taking the bait. This is my last final of the week before I go on vacation, and I don’t want to screw it up by being lazy. I feel like I’ve hardly learned any French this year. All I can do is introduce myself and ask where McDonalds is. That’s hardly fluent.

“One more hour,” I say while scowling at my notebook.