I lurch away from Rachel as if I’ve been smacked. “What?” I mouth while glancing around the room.

Hunter shrugs.

Lucas covers his mouth.

Alex has no idea what’s going on.

Tears stream down Rachel’s cheeks, but she’s smiling brightly. “I’ll ask them,” she says, her voice cracking.

“It’ll be a bit tight, but I think we can make room.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Now, you get home safely. We miss you over here.”

“Of course, Mom. Miss you, too.” Rachel inhales deeply, her bottom lip quivering. “I love you, Mom.”

“Oh, I love you, too, sweetie.”

I watch Rachel hang up. She hides her face while she slips her phone back into her coat pocket. A sob escapes her as she turns her gaze to us. I move and so do the others. We wrap our arms around her, holding her tight while her shoulders shake and she cries quietly. I know this has been a difficult semester for her—not being able to speak to her mom and feeling as if she’s a terrible person for being involved with us.

“Are you alright, Rachel?” Alex asks, still having no clue, of course.

Rachel perks up and smiles at each of us. “Yes. I’m happy.”

“I’d be happy to meet your family,” says Alex, and I fight the need to roll my eyes.

Kiss ass.

“I don’t know if I have the money,” says Lucas with a deep frown.

“I’ll spot you,” Hunter and I say at the same time.

Lucas smiles at the both of us. “Thanks, guys.”

“It won’t be the same if you’re not there,” says Hunter.

“Yeah,” I say while smacking Lucas’s shoulder. “If you’re not there, who’s going to keep me from strangling Goode?”

Lucas groans and his eyes move to the ceiling. He shakes his head while chuckling. “God, help us all.”

“Hey, all,” says Alex while moving to stand on the couch. “Is it okay if I call a small roommate meeting?”

I scowl at Alex.What the hell? Roommate meeting? Who does he think he is? I’m the only one who should be calling for meetings.

However, I find myself facing him, crossing my arms while the others step forward to listen to whatever idiocy Alex has to spout. He claps his hands together, looking like some sort of politician standing at a podium.

“I just wanted to say thank you for inviting me to live in your home. It’s been really lonely these past few months.” His gaze lands on me and I inhale sharply, hating the feel of those blue eyes boring a hole in me. “I’m looking forward to our future adventures together.”

“Whatever,” I mutter while turning away from Alex. Whatever this is, it must be the hangover. There’s no way I will ever like a guy like Alex Goode.

Never. Ever.



Igroanwhilepullingmy leg behind me, stretching my thigh before moving to the other. My eyes blink, adjusting to the dim lighting. The clock on the microwave reads 5:30. I should have gone to bed sooner, but I couldn’t stop playing Mario Kart. I had to kick Seth’s ass. I don’t know why, but these days, that’s the only thing I can think about. Annoying the crap out of Seth. It’s amusing how childish he acts when he loses, or when he doesn’t get his way.