I groan and slam my locker closed. My forehead presses against the metal and I inhale deeply, trying to shake the tension and anxiety from me. The door creaks open, but I don’t move. My eyes slowly close and I try to tell myself everything will be alright.Moving here was a good idea. You can focus on your training. You can possibly get into the Olympics. Not everything has to be about Rachel.

I hear the footsteps slow and open my eyes, seeing dirty tennis shoes that can only belong to a certain someone. My gaze lifts and I straighten myself, moving to lean against my locker and cross my arms.

“Garcia,” I say slowly, as if tasting the word.

Seth’s scowl darkens, his fists shake. I suspect he is doing everything within his power to keep himself from slamming me up against this locker. He’s been scowling at me the past couple of weeks, which means he knows I was with Rachel. He probably knows what we were doing as well.

“Is there something you want?” I ask when Seth doesn’t say anything.

He bristles and I see his fists tighten, but, for once, he remains quiet.

I chuckle and my head tilts. “What? Cat caught your tongue?” I don’t know what I’m saying or why I’m teasing him. There’s something in me that seriously enjoys provoking Seth, especially now when things aren’t going my way.

I suppose I’m in a bit of a self-destructive mood.

“Or is it Rachel?” I ask.

Seth’s eyes widen, looking crazed as he steps towards me. This is the first time we’ve been alone in a very long while, and I guess he’s been holding all this pent-up rage inside him.

“Stay away from her,” he hisses, reminding me of a cat ready to attack.

“I haven’t done anything to her,” I say with a bitter smirk. “Well, at least nothing she didn’t like.”

Seth lunges at me, fist aimed for my face, but I’m not drunk and I’m ready for it. I’m hardly aware of the door swinging open as I catch Seth’s fist, holding it above me while I lean forward. He tries to break free from my grasp, but my hand on his wrist tightens as I smile down at him, my mouth hovering just above his.

“You keep your fucking hands off my girlfriend,” Seth whispers.

I chuckle. “Your girlfriend? Don’t you share her with two others?”

Pain flickers in Seth’s gaze for a brief moment, but it doesn’t deter me from continuing.

“Why don’t you share her with me?” I lean closer, my nose touching his. “I’m sure I can rock both your worlds.”

“What?” Seth breathes.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Both of us turn towards the sound, finding Coach glowering at us with his hands on his hips. He looks between us before settling his dark gaze on Seth. “Garcia? Don’t tell me you’re trying to attack Goode.”

I quickly release Seth and take a step back, forcing a smile while rubbing the back of my head. “No, no, not at all,” I say with an awkward chuckle. “We were just horsing around.”

“Y-yeah,” Seth stutters, yet his tone lacks believability. “We were just playing, Coach.”

Coach’s frown deepens, but his hands on his hips relax and he shakes his head. “Garcia, my office. Now.”

I glance at Seth, finding his worried gaze on me before he turns away and follows Coach. Why does Coach want to talk to Seth? I told him it was nothing. I don’t need Coach fighting my battles for me. I inch towards the door, peaking my head out and hearing Coach’s voice speaking near the field.

“I don’t care what’s going on between you and Goode, you need to cool it.”

I push the door open further, tempted to run towards them and insist nothing was going on, but Seth’s voice stops me.

“I know, Coach. It won’t happen again.”

“I’m already speaking with the school board, begging them to keep you on until January. I can’t do anything for you if you get into a fight with one of your teammates. I don’t want you losing your scholarship. You gotta work with me a bit, Garcia. I know this isn’t what you wanted.”

My frown deepens. Seth might be kicked off the team? He might lose his scholarship? I know we have a rivalry going on, but I don’t want him to lose everything. If I was really being honest with myself, I kinda like Seth. He pushes me to be a better runner, a better athlete. I’ve been looking forward to his comeback, looking forward to racing him again.

I still as Seth approaches me, his head hanging low.