I sigh and stride towards him, not knowing what to say or do. There is a part of me that likes Alex. He’s funny, nice, attractive, and a good friend. I always thought he would remain a friend. I didn’t think he actually was interested in me. There are so many hot and more attractive girls throwing themselves at him. I thought for sure he would go for one of them.

Knowing that he likes me now, I have no clue what to do, or what to say to Seth.

Seth must sense me. He’s already standing and turning around before I can even get to him. I stop a few feet from him, feeling completely stunned by his glimmering eyes in the moonlight. Are those tears? Is Seth crying? I swallow the lump in my throat, waiting for him to yell something, anything at me.

“Roommate meeting,” he says shakily. “Right now.”

“Seth,” I say, rushing towards him. My arms lift to pull him towards me, to wrap them around his neck and give him a hug, but Seth bats them away.

“No buts,” he whispers before quickly turning around and stalking down the sidewalk toward home.

I feel Lucas and Hunter sidle up next to me. Hunter wraps an arm around my shoulder. “What’s going on?” he asks.

“I think Seth is calling for a roommate meeting,” says Lucas.

I glance up at him, seeing both surprise and confusion written on his face. “Is Alex ok?” I ask without thinking, wincing as soon as the words leave my lips.

Lucas turns to me, his lips pursing. He eyes me. The wind whips my hair back and forth. I probably look a mess. I know I definitely feel like a mess. It’s probably the beer. I had too much to drink. That’s most likely why I didn’t pull away from Alex when I should have.

You know that’s not the reason why,that dark whisper returns, making my skin prickle in response.

“Yeah, he’s fine,” says Lucas, a hint of accusation in his voice.

I don’t think I’m sober enough for this argument we’re about to have.

We walk back in silence. My gaze remains focused on the pavement, trying to keep myself upright. My vision sways and blurs, and I keep bumping shoulders with Hunter and Lucas. When the apartment comes into view, my pace slows to a near drag. I grimace as I see Seth run up the steps. His feet stomp against the metal, making loud clanging noises.

I sigh when I get to the bottom step. Hunter and Lucas walk past me, stomping up the steps towards the Hell awaiting us. My hand grips the railing. The rust bites into my skin. I take one step at a time, my insides churning as I grow closer and closer to the door until I’m standing in front of it. Everything in my being tells me to run away, but I force myself inside the apartment, finding Seth pacing back and forth, tugging at his hair while Lucas downs a glass of water. Hunter leans against the couch, his arms crossed while watching Seth, his head moving back and forth as it follows Seth’s movements.

I kick the door closed and Seth spins around, scowling at me while I lean against the door.

“Do you want to begin, or should I?” Seth asks between clenched teeth.

My heart twinges as I stare back at Seth, feeling so much of his hate in that one look. I don’t think he’s looked at me this way since my first couple of months at Aurora.

“What exactly do you want me to say, Seth?” I ask.

His eyes widen and he cranes his head at me. “That’s all you have to say?”

I grimace. “What do you want me to say?”

“I want you to tell me you hate the guy!” Seth shouts while throwing his hands in the air. “I want you to tell me you’ll never see him again.”

“That’s impossible. He’s in my French class and on your track team. I’m going to see him again.”

Hunter pinches the bride of his nose. “Can someone please tell me what’s going on?”

“Alex kissed Rachel,” Seth says. His gaze narrows on me. “Or was it the other way around.”

I scoff. “I did not kiss Alex.”

“You definitely seemed to be enjoying it.” Seth looks me up and down. “What is it, Rachel? We’re not enough for you anymore?”

“That’s not it and you know it.” Tears come to my eyes. I can’t believe we’re fighting about this. Of course, they’re enough.

“Then what is it, Rachel?” Seth’s tone becomes more bitter, more biting.

I sniff and wipe my eyes, trying to keep some sense of calm. There’s no way I’m going to allow Seth to push my buttons. There’s no way I’m going to cry.