Alex chuckles and I feel him edging towards me. “One more hour and you’ll be completely braindead. You should get some rest, or at least take a break.”

“I took a break the whole semester.”

“And you think now, one little test,” he says while wagging a finger at me, “will change your grade?”

I nod vehemently. “Of course.”

Alex laughs and swipes my notebook from my lap. “Doubtful. Besides, you’re not doing all that bad in the class.”

“I have a C,” I wail, looking at the ceiling as if it somehow has everything to do with my grade in French being so low.

“You’re fine.”

I pout as Alex crawls towards me, making me fall back onto the bed. My head hits the pillows, and he hovers above me, moving his hands on either side of my face. “You really think so?” I whisper.

“I know so,” he breathes, his lips just above mine. “You’ll be fine tomorrow. Besides, it’s not like we had the greatest teacher this year. And French is hard.”

“You can speak it.”

“That’s because I’m amazing.”

I roll my eyes. Sometimes I can see why Seth becomes so frustrated with Alex. His cocky exterior takes a bit of getting used to, but deep down, I know it’s a mask, something he uses when he’s nervous. Alex isn’t actually as self-confident as he makes himself out to be.

Deep down, he has insecurities and anxieties that hold him back.

“You look so beautiful,” Alex whispers while stroking my hair. “You know that?”

“Perhaps,” I say with a smile.

I arch towards him as his lips lower, gently kissing me. His tongue enters me immediately, igniting the fires within. My hands slide up his arms, burying themselves in his flaming red hair. He moans while climbing fully on top of me. My legs spread, seeking his warmth. I shiver when he grinds against me, feeling everything pool into my core. Whimpering, my hands tighten around him, pulling him closer to me. I wrap my legs around him, pushing against him and shuddering when his hips move against mine.

Alex breaks away from the kiss, his breath coming out as gasps. He smiles down at me, stroking my face as he says, “You make me so happy, Rachel. I’m so happy I can be here with you.”

I smile and lace my fingers with his. “I’m so happy, t-”

“Oh, gag me with a spoon already.”

I flinch while Alex looks over his shoulder. I follow his gaze, my eyes narrowing on Seth leaning against the door frame. He looks at his nails, appearing bored and uninterested.

“Can we help you, Seth?” I ask, not bothering to disentangle myself from Alex.

“Well,” Seth starts while pushing away from the door and sauntering inside. “I was going to ask if you want any hot cocoa while you study, but I guess you’re a bit busy.” He nods to Alex, looking stern, but the mischievous glint in his eye gives him away. “I suppose, this means you’re done studying?” Seth stops in front of the bed, his fingers unbuttoning his jeans.

Alex turns to me, uncertainty in his gaze as he asks, “I don’t know. Are we done studying?”

This is what I like about Alex. This need to be sure, to ask for my consent before doing anything. He’s like a prince out of a storybook, acting like a complete gentleman and ensuring my safety when it comes to everything, including our sexual relationship.

I smile back at him and stroke his hair. “Yes.” I nod. “We’re done studying.”

Seth undoes his button while Alex releases a breath. Alex captures my lips once more, his hands lacing with mine as he pushes me back onto the bed. The mattress dips and I feel Seth’s weight as he crawls towards us.

Seth’s breath tickles the back of my neck. His hands stroke up and down my arms while he presses himself against my bottom. He’s still in his boxers, but I can feel his hard length pushing against the fabric. Fingers tug at my chin and Alex releases me, moving to kiss my neck while Seth claims my lips.

I reach between Seth and grab his cock through his boxers. He shudders against me, a moan escaping him as he continues to kiss and buck against me. Alex’s hands slip between my legs, pushing against my jeans in search for my clit. I gasp, feeling the pressure in just the right place. Alex’s teeth graze against me and I arch against him, seeking more of his touch. I push down Seth’s boxers, my gaze flying to the hard and pink flesh leaking precum.

A strangled sound escapes Seth’s mouth, gaping open and searching for my lips. I dodge him, wanting to remain in control while my hand wraps around the base of his dick. Slowly, I move up and down, using his precum to slick him. I stroke lightly at his sensitive tip. Seth writhes against me, his head tossing back and forth.

“Fuck,” he whispers.