“You know what would make this even more fun,” says Alex as soon as I reach him.

I roll my eyes. “What?”

“I wonder, which of us can carry the most?”

I make a face. “Why do you wonder that?”

Alex shrugs. “Just wondering which of us is stronger. We already know who’s the fastest.”

I scoff. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! What makes you think you’re the fastest?”

Alex chuckles. “I guess, you do.” His chuckles turn into outright laughter as he doubles over. “Since you’re the one who just admitted it.”

My mouth hangs open. “You fucking jerk!” I snatch his luggage and mine and stalk ahead, ignoring the others walking slowly behind me. I’ll show him. I can beat him at something. I can beat him at his own game.

“Seth!” I hear Hunter shouting but refuse to turn around. “Why are you running away from us?”

“Because it’s fucking cold!” I shout.And I want to beat that asshole,but I refuse to say that. The bros and Rachel already think I’m acting like a child. I don’t need to add any fuel to the fire.

It’s a quick fifteen-minute walk to our apartment from the hotel, but the icy cold and the snow raining down around me makes it feel even longer. When I see our apartment coming into view, it spurs me to move faster, dragging both suitcases over the ice. My feet slip on the pavement, but I use it to propel me forward.

I skid in front of our steps. My grip on the luggage tightens, and I bounce up the steps, lugging the giant things behind me. Gasping for breath, I wait for the others to appear at the bottom. My eyes narrow on Alex, holding Rachel’s hand while he carries absolutely nothing. Alex whispers something in Rachel’s ear, making her giggle and making me want to throw the suitcases down the stairs and at his head.

Instead, I cram my key into the door and kick it open, tossing each piece of luggage inside before stalking towards the couch to dump my exhausted body onto the cushions. My face flushes and my cock twitches as a memory of Alex, Rachel, and I resurfaces. I grind my teeth at the memory—at the image of Alex’s lips parted, a low moan escaping him while he thrusted into Rachel. I swallow a groan threatening to surface and scowl at the floor while footsteps echo behind me.

“Do we have everything?” Hunter asks before kicking the door closed.

“Looks like it,” comes Alex’s grating voice.

I chuckle bitterly and look over my shoulder. “Looks like I win, Goode,” I say while pushing myself up from the couch. “You carried shit.”

Alex’s smirk makes me want to punch him in his face and his next words nearly make me ignite with rage. “I know.” He pats Rachel’s hand. She practically glows from the simple embrace. “I wanted to ensure Rachel didn’t fall on the ice.”

“Oh, really?” Lucas asks while crossing his arms. “You weren’t just being lazy?”

Alex has the audacity to look surprised. He points to himself while looking around the room. “Me? Lazy? Never!”

I stomp towards him, feeling stupid for letting him pull one over on me. Of course, he wasn’t going to carry shit. He was using my self-confidence against me. “You fucking asshole,” I breathe. I go up on my tiptoes so I can glower at him eye-to-eye, but he’s still a few centimeters taller than me, making it difficult to appear intimidating.

“What is it, Sethie?” Alex asks while raising an eyebrow. He pokes my nose, and my eyes widen as he leans in close. “You won. You’re the strongest.” He chuckles. The air heats my skin and makes a shudder ripple down my spine. “I thought you’d be happy.”

“Happy my as-”

“Ssh!” Rachel shushes while holding up a hand. She grabs her phone vibrating in her purse and frowns at the caller ID.

“Who is it?” Lucas asks while hovering over her shoulder.

“My mom,” she breathes. She stabs her finger at the phone and holds it up to her ear. All of us lean in, holding our breath as we listen for her mom’s voice.


“Yeah, Mom,” Rachel says, her voice thick. She turns her eyes to me, glimmering with unshed tears. “It’s been a while.”

“I know, sweetie. I was just wondering if you’ve bought your tickets, yet.”

Rachel’s head bobs up and down. “Yeah.” She chuckles while wiping her eyes. “Of course, I did.”

“Well, I’ve given it some thought. It might be a bit late, but I was wondering if you’d like to invite your-your…” Her mother pauses and I look around at the bros, finding them all staring at Rachel and her phone. “Well, I was wondering if you’d like to invite your friends.”