The gun goes off and my legs move. My hands pump up and down as I sprint forward, feeling as if I’m flying through the air, as if I truly have wings attached to my ankles. I run as fast as my legs take me, flying past one person and then two. I don’t bother to conserve my energy. This isn’t a marathon. I know I can go faster, and so I do. A smile takes hold of me, and all my problems seem to let go of me. Joy soaks through my very being as I pass by one last person, taking the lead. I don’t bother looking back, for I don’t care.

I know I’m in the lead.

My hands lift when my body crosses the finish line. The crowd cheers, and I smile. My feet are unable to stop. I continue running around the length of the track field, waving at everyone standing and applauding my win.

This is why I’m here.

This is what I live for.

For the win.

I look for my parents as my pace slows, finding them speaking with Coach. My smile dissipates, wondering what they are talking about now. I’ve never seen my parents speak with my coaches. Not since middle school, and back then it was only to be sociable.

“Your son really has a chance,” I hear Coach say.

My parents stare at him, their eyes wide with shock.

“Really?” Dad asks, his gaze turning to Mom.

“Does he know?” Mom asks.

Coach nods. “He’s been training every day.”

“Mom, Dad?” I gasp, reaching for a towel on the bench and swiping the sweat away from my face.

Both turn to me, still looking shocked. “I didn’t know,” says Mom before covering her mouth.

My brows furrow. “Know what?”

“Your coach says you have a chance in the Olympics,” says Dad. “Are you going to try out next year?”

I look at Coach, feeling a bit hesitant. All my life, I was supposed to be a doctor, like my dad and my grandfather and my great-grandfather. Running was only supposed to be a hobby… but now…

“Yes,” I say, nodding. “I’m trying out next year.”

Dad nods and takes my hand, giving it a firm shake. “We’ll support you. You really are amazing, son.”

“Absolutely beautiful,” sobs Mom while throwing her arms around my neck.

I make a face, my hands hovering above her, not knowing what to do. I look at Dad, trying to ask him what exactly is going on, but Dad waves his hand. “Your mom has been really worried about you,” he says. “I think she’s happy you’ve found your calling.”

Dad’s words bring a smile to my face, and I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight. “I’m fine, Mom,” I say.

She nods her head. “I know.”

“Really, I’m fine.”

Mom’s arms around me tighten, and I allow her to hold me despite the weird looks I get from my teammates. They can tease me all they want after my parents leave. I don’t care. Hopefully, this means they will stop pestering me about returning home.

I look to the mountains, biting back a sigh as my gaze darkens. With one problem solved, I feel as if I can take on the world. And Seth. After my parents leave, I’m going to ask Mike where he lives, and then I’m marching my ass over there. I’m ending this squabble, once and for all.



Iflingopenthedoor and dump my bag on the floor. Kicking the door closed, I stomp towards the sink, turning on the faucet and drinking from the running water.

“Why don’t you share her with me? I’m sure I can rock both your worlds.”