I sigh. I’m not ready to think about him now, especially since I need to resolve things with Hunter and Seth. Alex and I have had French class, but things aren’t the same. I know he’s worried. He keeps looking at me with these pouty puppy dog eyes that I can’t get out of my head. Not to mention, his red hair looks really good. All I want to do is talk to him, tell him what’s going on, but I’m worried it’ll somehow get back to Hunter or Seth and make everything worse.

I need to work on one problem at a time.

The door swings open and I grab my sign, holding it up and forcing a wide smile when I see Hunter stepping outside. His hair is still wet, and there’s a large wet blob on the front of his jeans. He smells clean and fresh, like citrus.

Hunter pauses in the doorway. His blue eyes widen on me for a moment before drifting to the floor. “Hey,” he murmurs softly.

“You won!” I shout while jumping up and down, hoping my excitement somehow negates the awkwardness lingering in the air.

It doesn’t.

“Yep.” Hunter shoves his hands in his pockets. His big arms strain against his white polo shirt. He’s still upset. Being able to play and winning the game hasn’t changed any of that. My excitement and joy aren’t going to suddenly resolve anything.

“Do you maybe want to go somewhere?” I ask while slowly lowering my sign.

Hunter shakes his head. “Nah. That’s alright. I just want to head home.” He goes to step around me. I need to think fast. There must be something I can say to make him stick around, be with me and discuss what’s going on between us.

“I’ll buy you the family set of wings at that place you like.”

Hunter pauses and his head slowly turns towards me. His gaze narrows and he tilts his head. “With all the sauces?”

My head bobs up and down vigorously. “And all the soda you want.”

He regards me for a moment. His gaze goes to the sign in my hands and then to Lucas before settling on me once more. I perk up as I hear him say, “Deal.”


I pick at the wings on my plate while Hunter shoves one into his mouth. Sauce stains his lips and fingers. He hasn’t said much since we arrived at the restaurant, which is busy with students eating and chattering. Lucas sits next to him, eating and nodding in appreciation, trying to fill the silence.

“This is really good,” he says.

Hunter groans in response.

“I wonder what sauce they use.”

Hunter sinks his teeth into the meat and moans again. He wipes at his face, getting sauce all over his arm before looking up at me. “Has your mom called you at all?” he asks between mouthfuls.

I wince and shake my head. “I haven’t talked with her since your first game. I think she’s still upset.”

“You shouldn’t worry about it,” says Lucas. “She’ll probably call you later and this whole thing will blow over.”

If there is anything left after I speak with Seth and Hunter. Most likely, Alex will move on, and Hunter and Seth will dump me. Then there will only be Lucas left and there will be nothing to concern myself with. Funny enough, my heart squeezes with remorse. It’s the easier path to take, only having one boyfriend, but it makes me feel absolutely terrible.

I love all of them equally. I don't want to lose them.

“How’s the cafe?” Hunter asks while reaching for another wing. “Is it getting better at all?”

Lucas grimaces. “No.” He sighs, dropping his bone onto the plate and cleaning his hands with the wet towel. “It’s absolutely hopeless. I’m never going to make it in this world.”

“That’s not true,” I say while reaching my hand across the table and laying it on Lucas’s. “It’ll get easier. You’ll see. Besides, I think you’re getting better.”

Lucas’s frown deepens. “Thanks,” he mutters bitterly, moving his hand away from mine. “But I’m thinking about calling my parents. Maybe we can work something out.”

“No!” Hunter and I shout in unison.

Lucas leans back in his seat, glancing between us as if we’ve both sprouted three heads. “Okay,” he says slowly. “Tell me what you really think.”

“Lucas, you’re doing fine,” I say, but my gaze remains on Hunter. “You don’t need your parents. They’re just going to hold you back from what you really want.”