“Oh, it won’t be a date,” I rush out, only now realizing those are the types of things interested guys ask girls to do with them. Well, maybe not the yoga part. “If that’s too much, we can just stay in. Order some pizza, grab some beers.” I snap my fingers as something comes to mind. “There’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now, but I’m not so sure if I can pull it off.”

Rachel chuckles. “And what’s that, Alex? I can’t really imagine you as the second-guessing type.”

Oh, if she only knew.

“Can you help me dye my hair?”

Her eyes widen. “Your hair?” she asks while gazing at my golden locks.

“Yeah, I want it flaming red.” My smile brightens.

“Flaming red?” Rachel shouts, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head. “Why flaming red?”

I flutter my eyelashes. “To go with my fiery personality, of course.”

Rachel strokes her chin while I clasp my hands together, as if begging her to say yes. My eyes widen and I poke out my bottom lip, waiting for her to give me an answer.

Her lips twitch into an easy smile and my stomach flutters as she says, “Oh, alright.”



“Ican’tbelieveyoulive here,” I say while looking around the hotel room.

It’s about twice the size of my room with a small kitchenette displaying a microwave, refrigerator, and stovetop. Sadly, no oven. I suppose he doesn’t bake often. He probably doesn’t even cook. It kinda makes me feel a bit sorry for him, but at the same time, I’m also a bit jealous of this view of the mountains. A large window takes up most of the wall across from me with deep blue drapes. The place is impeccably clean. Dishes don’t litter the counter. No shoes for me to trip over on my way into the room. There isn’t even a pile of clothes resting next to the bed. Oh, the joys of not having any roommates to dirty the place.

Speaking of the bed, it takes up most of the room. Its deep blue comforter and pillows match the drapes. I can’t stop looking at it. It stares back at me, making my stomach twist with guilt and worry. Lucas knows where I am. We actually had a big talk about it this morning after I made Saturday brunch, which Hunter and Seth refused to take part in. Since the whole Monday Party Fiasco, they haven’t really been talking to me.

Thinking of them makes my shoulders slump and a sigh escapes my lips. I wish I had been able to talk to them. It would make being here easier. Lucas wasn’t necessarily okay with it, but he was happy I spoke with him and told him the truth.

I think Lucas prefers me being open with him.

“Yeah, it was the nicest hotel in the area,” Alex says while rubbing the back of his head, drawing my thoughts away from Hunter and Seth. “My parents didn’t want me staying anywhere dangerous or unclean.”

Ha. Like Aurora could ever be dangerous. Although now that I think of it, with drug dealers like Jerry and Drew running amuck, I suppose there is a slight reason to be a bit cautious, given not so long ago Jerry nearly beat Hunter to death with a baseball bat.

Looking around the place, my frown deepens, reminding me of a time not long ago when Mom had been staying here. I guess the Alex look-alike I saw before was actually Alex. Funny how things turn out. I grimace, remembering the last time I was here. Mom refused to invite me up to her room. She made me wait at the cafe for nearly an hour and then lectured me about monogamy.

Oh, she would totally be pissed if she knew what I was getting myself into tonight.

And what exactly am I getting myself into?I ask myself. Alex and I are just friends— friends who are highly attracted to each other. What kind of friends make out and then decide to be platonic? Friends with benefits? I grimace. This was a mistake. I should leave before I dig myself an even deeper hole. Alex and I can go back to being the kind of friends people only see in class or say hi to at parties.

I think those are called acquaintances, Rachel.

I swallow a sigh and force a smile. Slowly turning around and finding Alex arranging black garbage bags around a chair. I tilt my head, regarding his golden locks. They suit him so much. Why does he want to change them?

“Don’t get me wrong,” says Alex while continuing to circle the chair with garbage bags, covering as much of the white carpet as possible.

He wants to dye his hair red on this carpet? He must be crazy.

“I’m not that much of a snob. I wanted to get an apartment with roommates, but everything was taken, and I couldn’t find anything reasonable within walking distance of the school.” His face scrunches in distaste while he looks up at me. “I probably could have lived in the dorms, but I think I’m a bit too old for that. Being around all those Freshmen,” he pauses and shakes his head, “not really my cup of tea.”

I find myself nodding my head. “I know the feeling,” I murmur.

Honestly, I know exactly where he’s coming from. My first year here, I suffered through the same. The only place left was living with the bros and that place was a complete hell hole until I made the boys help me clean it up. Even now, it isn’t the tidiest of places, but at least it’s livable, which is all I can really ask for at this point.

But it must get lonely living in this hotel without anyone to talk to. It’s not that far away from campus and the student housing, but it’s still so quiet. Perfect for studying, but not so great for new students needing to make friends.