I grimace as he slams the door. My gaze goes to Hunter, hearing him sigh and watching him push away from the couch.

“Hunter,” I whisper, reaching for him.

He holds up a hand while looking away from me. “I need… to think, Rachel. This is all a bit much.”

I watch him go. He closes his door with a soft click, leaving me and Lucas alone, together. Lucas clenches his jaw, his eyes glimmering under the light. I reach for him, but he takes a step back. A tear escapes and streams down my cheek.

“Are we going to be okay?” I whisper, not sure if I want to know the truth.

Lucas shakes his head. “I don’t know, Rachel.” He turns away from me and strides towards his room. “I really don’t know.”

I sniff while watching his door close, leaving me all alone in the living room. I feel exhausted. My eyes ache. My entire body is shaking with either fear or adrenaline. My skin feels like it’s about to crawl off my body. I know I should get to bed, but I can’t move. I can hardly breathe. I don’t understand how things went from zero to one hundred so quickly. I only wanted to speak with Alex.

I didn’t know he was going to kiss me.

And I didn’t know I was going to like it.

What am I going to do?



Istareupatthe ceiling as the first rays of morning seep into my room. My eyes ache. Blinking is painful. I don’t think I got any sleep last night. My mind was racked with images of Alex kissing Rachel. I knew there was something between them in Paris. Alex was too attentive, even for him. I can’t blame Rachel for being attracted to him. I can’t even blame her for Alex deciding to kiss a taken woman.

It still hurts, though, knowing she liked it, knowing she didn’t do everything within her power to stop it.

And even though it hurts, I still love her.

My alarm clock goes off, and I groan while searching for my phone, finding it still in my jeans pocket from last night. Thebeep-beep-beepaggravates my already pounding head. I should probably skip class, but I know if I don’t go, I’ll only obsess about Alex and Rachel.

Maybe if I had reached out to him more before this wouldn’t be happening. He did message me wanting to hangout, and though we were pretty good friends before, I never invited him out. I guess a part of it had to do with Seth absolutely hating his guts. And maybe a small part of it had to do with the fact I suspected he was into Rachel.

Still, maybe if I had talked to him more, made him feel more welcome, he wouldn’t have kissed Rachel.

I stumble out of the bed and trudge out of my room towards the bathroom. A shower will definitely help with my head. Feeling clean has always made me feel better. I slip inside the bathroom, happy to see that everyone is still asleep or at practice. I’m not in the mood for another fight.

I start the shower and lean against the sink, waiting for the water to heat up. I suppose I should be happy Alex kissed Rachel and not some random asshole. Like Mike. I make a face and gag. Oh, there’s no way I would ever accept someone like Mike in our group. I don’t think I could ever get past all the shouting and the idiocy.

Alex is handsome, smart, and rich. Rachel would do well with someone like him. At least he can actually offer her something, unlike me, who’s stuck working a crappy cafe job. Well, barely working a crappy cafe job. Honestly, I’m shocked I haven’t been fired yet. It’s only a matter of time.

I slip inside the shower and close my eyes as the hot liquid pelts my back and soaks my hair. My hands brace against the wall and I stand there, trying to clear my mind and enjoy the heat easing my tense muscles. I hear the creaking of the door opening and closing and wrinkle my nose in distaste, recalling a time Seth thought it was completely fine to take a piss while I was showering.

“It’s not that big of a deal,”I remember him saying.“Don’t be such a prude.”

I grit my teeth, suspecting he’s the one loitering outside the shower.

“Go away, Seth!” I shout.

No one replies and I open one eye, finding Rachel shoving the shower door open and pushing her body against mine. She quickly shuts the door. Her back is facing me. I can’t see her, but her shaking shoulders tell me she’s either crying or about to.

“Rachel,” I murmur, my hands reaching for her, pulling her close.

Her skin is so soft. She feels so good underneath my fingertips. Her ass presses against my dick and it immediately twitches in response. I nuzzle her neck while my hands push away her hair. My lips press against the sensitive part of her neck. Immediately, my mind goes to Alex kissing Rachel and I imagine her tossing back her head in bliss and pulling Alex closer to her.

I wrench away from Rachel, stunned that I would get so lost in the moment, all because she’s naked and willing in my arms.

“I think you should go,” I whisper, taking a step away from her.