As if she senses my presence, Rachel turns towards me, her green eyes widening and her lips parting. She takes a step towards me, but I’m not ready to hear whatever she has to say. My mind floods with images of her moaning, with her hand on Seth’s dick while Hunter thrusts into her. My cock twitches and I promptly turn around, desperate to put some much-needed space between us.

I stumble into Mike carrying two cups. They nearly topple over, but thankfully, Mike has a good grip and is able to stabilize the drinks. “Hey, bro?” Mike asks, looking concerned as he looks me up and down. “You okay?”

I grab one of the drinks, quickly downing the beer inside before tossing the cup over my shoulder and grabbing the other.

“Whoa!” Mike shouts, laughing while patting my shoulder. “I guess you deserve that. Hey, Lisa!” Mike turns around and waves one of the girls from the lawn over. Lisa, a blonde with large breasts barely covered by her tank top, runs towards me. My face heats and my cock twitches once more as I see very clearly, she’s not wearing a bra.

“What’s up, Mikey?” Lisa says sweetly, throwing an arm over Mike’s shoulder. She looks me up and down before slipping a tongue over her lips. I guess she likes what she sees.

“Take a look at his tats. He just got them done. Show her, Goode.”

I yank up my pants. My fingers fumble with the fabric while my gaze blurs. The beer is already setting in, numbing whatever anxieties I had from before. I smile at Lisa while displaying my tats.

“Wow,” she says while bending over.

I keep my gaze lifted, not wanting to take advantage of the low hanging top. My gaze shifts to Rachel, still standing with her boyfriends and watching me. Why can’t I move on with this Lisa chick? Or the other girl from the party before? What was her name…?

“Let’s get you another drink,” Mike says while turning me around and leading me past Rachel.

“Hey, Alex,” I hear Rachel shout over the crowd, but I ignore her, allowing Mike to guide me towards the kitchen.

I know I’m being cruel. I shouldn’t ignore Rachel. She didn’t do anything wrong. I honestly want to move on. I want to focus on my training and perhaps meet some other girl to makeout with, maybe have sex with if things go right.

Rachel is already taken. I can’t have her.

Someone hands me a shot glass, and I down the contents quickly without bothering to wait for anyone to tell me what’s inside. Mike laughs at my side. “Go, Goode, go!” he shouts as someone hands me another shot.

I down the next quickly, and then the next. The back of my throat burns, and my insides feel like they’re on fire. I’ve been drunk before, but it’s not often. I tend to remain in control when I’m at parties. I rarely let myself go. A thought whispers in the back of my mind, telling me to go home, that I need to wake up in the morning to run, but my drunk brain pushes those thoughts away, telling me to have more, to have fun.

I stumble out of the kitchen, groaning while looking around. Music blasts all around me. People shout, and I feel someone trip into me. I hold up my hands. “Sorry,” I slur, my lips twisting into an awkward smile. Mike is somewhere, but I don’t know where.

“Alex.” I feel someone grab my hand, lacing their fingers with mine.

I half expect it to be that Lisa chick, but when I turn around, I see Rachel staring up at me, a deep frown marring her lips. My hand strokes a golden curl away from her face. All sound disappears from my ears. There’s only her standing with me in this room. All I can see is her, wearing high-waisted jeans and a simple crop tank top. She looks beautiful.

“Hey,” I breathe, smiling brightly. I should say something, but my liquor-soaked brain can come up with nothing.

Rachel turns around and pulls me towards the back. I see a door, and she pushes it open, pulling me into a small garden with a table and two chairs. She sits me down, pushing on my shoulders before grabbing a chair and seating herself in front of me.

“What’s going on?” she asks, her voice slightly high-pitched and the words coming out slurred.

I shake my head. “What do you mean?” I try to look serious, but I can’t stop smiling. I’m sitting with Rachel, alone, under the night sky with its twinkling stars watching us. How romantic.

“You know what I mean. You weren’t in French class.”

I sigh and rake a hand through my hair. “I know. I just… I couldn’t.” I look away from her, grimacing at the grass. The blades rustle in the wind, making me wish I was just as small, so the wind could blow me far away. I should be sober for this conversation, so I can explain my feelings better. Not drunk and horny and wanting to slide my tongue down her throat.

“I wanted to talk to you about that day. Lucas, Seth, Hunter, we are-”

“You’re dating right?” I interrupt, not wanting to hear her explanation. She doesn’t need to excuse herself. It’s none of my business.

I watch Rachel’s head bob up and down, and no matter how I try to steel myself, my heart feels as if it’s being cracked into a million tiny pieces. “We are. They’re my boyfriends.”

I lean towards her, my gaze dipping to her plump, parted lips. There’s something in her gaze as she stares up at me. Something I can’t entirely place. It stirs my insides, making me want to grab her and press my mouth on hers, to pull her into my arms and never let her go. A shuddering breath escapes her, and I lean closer, until my mouth is hovering millimeters away from hers. It’s the beer and the shots. It must be that making me so bold. My tongue darts out to lick my bottom lip and my nostrils flare as her gaze drifts to it.

“Do you think,” I whisper, leaning even closer, touching her nose with mine. “Do you think I can be your boyfriend, too?”

Her eyes widen. “Alex,” she whispers, and that’s all she needs to say for me to lose control.