I run to keep up, weaving in and out of the crowds of people while keeping my gaze fixed on the top of Lucas’s head. Thank God he’s tall. Lucas and Seth turn sharply towards the side, where a white door, nearly blending into the wall, is. They wait for me to catch up before quickly looking both ways, wondering if anyone is watching. Lucas opens the door, and we quickly shove ourselves inside before slamming the door shut behind us.

I look around at the white staircases, leading up and down. Seth doesn’t bother to wait; he’s already running down the steps.

“Seth, your foot!” I shout, following after him. Why do I have to remind him about his injury all the time? Shouldn’t he be the one caring for it? He’s seriously going to get hurt again.

“Fuck my foot!” Seth shouts back.

I sigh and give Lucas a look. He shakes his head but doesn’t say anything as he runs down the steps to catch up to Seth. Seth is already waiting for us at the landing. I can hear some voices echoing down the hall but can’t place any of them. Hunter doesn’t invite us to any of the football parties anymore, so I don’t know them as well as the track team.

Now that I think of it, maybe there’s a reason Hunter doesn’t invite us.

Maybe his teammates don’t invite him.

My heart stings as I think of Hunter being the odd man out. Of course, he shouldn’t be going to parties anyway. Being around alcohol will probably trigger him, either making him upset, or making him want to drink. Or both.

We creep down the hall, moving quietly while edging towards the lockers. The door slams open and we all straighten, pressing our bodies against the wall as if it will somehow make us invisible. A player throws his helmet at the wall, shouting angrily while tugging at his long, blonde hair. He turns around, pressing his forehead against the white door, inhaling deeply while muttering something to himself.

“Hunter?” Lucas calls, his voice unsure.

The player straightens and turns towards us. Hunter’s blue eyes meet mine, and I breathe a sigh of relief. We haven’t been caught. That relief suddenly subsides and my insides twist, knowing there’s a reason for him throwing his helmet. I run to him, holding out my arms and throwing them around him as soon as the space between us is no more.

“Are you alright?” I whisper into his chest, clutching him close to me.

“No,” Hunter says, his voice husky as if he’s trying to keep himself from crying.

“What can I do?”

His hands tighten around me. “Just hold me.”

And I do. I hold him for as long as I can, not wanting to ever let him go. Seth and Lucas surround me, wrapping their arms around Hunter. Hunter’s body trembles under my touch, and I wish I could take away all his pain, all his suffering.

“It will get better,” I whisper, hoping it’s the truth. Honestly, I have no clue what he’s going through. All I want to do is be there for him.

Hunter sighs, his breath warming my cheeks. He nuzzles his nose into my hair, breathing me in deeply before whispering, “I hope so.”

“What’s going on, bro?” Seth asks, his body pulling away from us.

In unison, we all part from each other and Hunter heaves a deep sigh, his entire body slumping with the effort. He props himself against the wall behind him and leans his head back, knocking it lightly against the brick.

“Yeah, we saw you aren’t playing this game,” Lucas adds uneasily when Hunter doesn’t say anything.

Hunter’s eyes slowly close. “I can handle being benched. It’s not that.” His head lulls from side to side and he pinches his nose, groaning before opening his eyes. He turns them to me and my heart twists, hating the pain I see in his gaze. “It’s the whispers, the ignoring, the pretending I’m not even there. It’s like, why do I even bother? I came to all the practices, and I’ve been working my ass off since the season started. Yet everything I do, it goes unnoticed.” He slams a fist against the wall. “A part of me just wants to give up.”

“No,” Lucas, Seth, and I say in unison.

Hunter shrugs. “I know. I won’t. But-” he grimaces. “These last few weeks have been really hard.” He stalks towards his helmet, swiping it from the ground and looking it over. Other than the dark scuff on the top, it’s perfectly fine. “You should probably get out of here. Half time is almost over.”

I watch him trudge towards the locker rooms. Something pulls me towards him. It’s like my body has a mind of its own. I don’t want to leave him like this, feeling so broken down and beaten. I want to give him something to hold onto, even if it’s something small. My hand snatches his and I pull him towards me, his eyes widening in alarm when I slam my mouth against his. His mouth parts easily for me, allowing my tongue entrance, allowing me to delve inside and stroke the fires within him.

Hunter moans and my hands run up his chest and into his hair. I tug at the locks, enjoying their silky softness against my skin. Hands come around me and I feel a mouth at my neck. Something hard and thick presses against my bottom and I rock into it, enjoying the heightened breath at my response. I break away from Hunter, looking around briefly and seeing Lucas at my side and Seth behind me, his face buried in my neck, pressing wet, sloppy kisses against my skin.

“Do we have time?” I breathe, searching for a room for us to go to. I find a white door about five feet away from us. It would be so easy.

Hunter grabs my chin, lifting my gaze up to his. His breath is ragged, his hair wild. I watch his head slowly nod as he whispers, “It has to be quick.”

My lips twitch into a smile and my hand tightens on him. I stride towards the white door purposefully, throwing it open and revealing a small, cramped closet. This will definitely work. I turn around and drag Hunter inside, Seth stumbles in behind while Lucas looks around, his brows tented in worry. He doesn’t say anything as he closes the door behind us.

It’s dark in the closet, and my eyes find it difficult to adjust to the new lighting. All I can do is feel and hear and taste. Lips press against my mouth. Hands furrow in my hair, holding me still. I feel another pair of hands tugging at my pants. Another mouth presses at my nape, hands cupping my breasts. I’m being pushed and pulled from all directions. My skin is unbearably hot, like I’m being burned from the inside out. My hands wrap around my boyfriend’s neck, feeling hair around his nape.