“Fucking win this, Aurora!” Seth shouts, louder than me.

I step down from the bleachers, holding out my hand out of habit for Seth to take. He scowls at me and bats my hand away. I grimace, feeling stupid for offering my help when he obviously doesn’t want it. Seth has been a bit nitpicky these days about doing everything on his own, despite the fact he should be taking it easy. His body has adjusted to putting weight on his heel and he’s been hobbling around less. Although, there are days when he’s a bit more sore, and I can tell today is one of those days. He’s been walking around too much, insisting on skipping the bus to walk to class and taking brisk nightly strolls. It’s too much too soon, and I’m worried he’s going to end up injuring himself again.

“Where’s Hunter?” asks Charlie.

I frown as I search the field, not finding his number 33 anywhere. My frown deepens when I spot a familiar blonde sitting on the bench, watching the game like any other student in the crowd.

“He’s benched,” says Seth, leaning back and crossing his arms. “Probably being punished for last term.”

I grimace. “Is that really helpful? His mom died and he was going through some things.”

Lucas sighs. “Helpful? No. But he let the team down. He has to earn his spot back.”

I guess that’s understandable, but just because it makes sense, doesn’t mean I have to like it. This is Hunter’s last year before he graduates. If he doesn’t play, how is he going to get scouted for the NFL? This could potentially ruin his career.

It’s hard to focus on the game when I can’t tear my gaze away from Hunter’s slumped position on the bench. Football is his life, it’s his dream. What is he going to do next year? I suppose he can coach at a local high school, which might be nice. He won’t be spending most of his time on the road, traveling from game to game. He would have time for me.

That sounds so selfish, but I can’t help myself from thinking it. If Hunter does get accepted onto an NFL team, what will happen to us? Will he even have time for me anymore? And with all the away games, he’ll have the chance to meet so many other women—women who actually enjoy watching football, unlike me.

I shake my head. Now I’m getting all negative when I’m supposed to be here for Hunter. We’ll talk about all that later. I clap my hands and cheer when I hear the others around me shout, not quite understanding all the rules of the game. I just know when everyone seems happy, cheer, and when everyone seems angry, boo.

“Hey, Alex, switch places with me?” I hear Charlie say.

My gaze swivels to her, watching as Charlie dumps her body next to mine. She nudges her shoulder against me and whispers conspiratorially, “You should definitely talk to the bros about Alex.”

I roll my eyes. Oh, I am so not in the mood for this conversation. Thankfully, the arena is too loud for Lucas, Seth, and Alex to listen in.

“Seriously,” she says while smacking my arm lightly. “I think he totally has the hots for you.”

“He does not.”

“He’s barely taken his eyes off you since we met up earlier. Also,” she says, looking over her shoulder at Alex. I follow her gaze, taking note of how his attention remains glued on the game. His brows tent together, making me wonder if he’s trying to figure out the rules, “he was asking about you earlier.”

My heart does a little flip. Words fly to me, yet nothing escapes. I’m too flustered to know what to say, so all that emits from my lips is a very confused, “Huh?”

Charlie chuckles. “Huh, indeed. He was wondering what’s the deal with you and the bros. Well, Lucas and Seth.”

I groan and smack my face with a hand. I knew Seth was touching me too much. Alex thinks me and Lucas are an item, yet every time I’ve been around him, I’ve been around Seth as well. Alex is probably wondering what’s going on. He probably thinks I’m cheating on Lucas. What am I going to say to him? That I’m in relationship with both Lucas and Seth. No. I’m not going to say anything. It’s none of his business.

“What did you tell him?”

Charlie shrugs. “To ask you.”

I groan again. “Charlie!”

“What? I thought you didn’t want me to say anything.”

“I don’t.” I sigh and shake my head. “But I also don’t want him interrogating me about it.”

Charlie giggles. “I doubt he’ll interrogate you. Maybe, if you tell him the truth, he’ll want to join in.” She perks up and grabs my shoulder, squeezing it harshly and making me grimace. “You should seriously talk with the bros. What if it goes your way?” Her mouth gapes open and she releases my shoulder, clutching at her chest as she looks up to the heavens. “I can just imagine it now, three God-like men and Seth worshipping your body like the Goddess you are.”

I raise an eyebrow. “And Seth?”

Charlie scoffs. “Seth is hot and all, but his personality really drops him down a peg for me. Besides,” Charlie peeks over me, her gaze narrowing on Seth sitting by my side before continuing, “he’s a bit too short for my liking.”

I clamp a hand over my mouth, trying to stifle the giggles. Oh, if Seth only heard what Charlie had said, he would probably go on a tangent on the vast qualities of having a short man as a boyfriend.

I glance in Seth’s direction. Honestly, he’s not that short. Shorter than Lucas, Hunter, and Alex, most definitely, but he’s taller than me, even with heels on. Sometimes I think Charlie enjoys teasing Seth. It’s probably the same reason why Alex enjoys teasing him.