Instantly, I shift away from her, taking a step back to create some much-needed space. “Good game,” I say, holding out my hand towards Seth for him to shake.

He looks at my hand as if it’s some sort of viper that’s going to snap at him. Lucas takes it, giving me a firm shake while saying, “Great game. You’ve definitely improved. I definitely enjoyed the whole ‘use your feminine wiles’ tactic. I’ll remember that next time.” He winks at me while dropping my hand.

“So,” I say awkwardly, putting my hands into my back jean pockets while glancing at the trio. “The game?”

“Yeah, let’s go,” says Seth, throwing an arm around Rachel’s shoulders. He tries to steer her away from me, but she shoves his arm off her and gives him a scowl. My gaze narrows on Seth, watching his mouth gape open in anger while his shoulders lift nearly to his ears with a very ‘what gives’ gleam in his eyes.

“Where’s Charlie?” Rachel asks, going up on her tiptoes and looking around.

“I don’t know,” says Lucas while looking around. “I haven’t seen her in a while.”

“Who cares?” Seth asks, looking annoyed. “She’s probably met up with some hottie and decided to ditch us. Now, can we go already?”

“I’m here!” Charlie shouts in the distance, balancing several spray cans and a beer in her arms as she stalks towards us.

I sputter, her whole body, including her clothes, are covered with purple and orange paint. She stops a foot from us, squatting to set her beer down before popping back up, shaking the spray cans at us with so much energy she reminds me of the Energizer Bunny.

“Look what I found,” she says while glancing at us.

“What happened to you?” Seth asks, his expression swiftly changing from one of irritation to horror.

“Fun happened,” Charlie says, jutting out her chin while stepping towards me. She throws a spray can in Rachel’s direction, which she barely catches. “Help me, girl. I just found a marvelous canvas.” She waggles her eyebrows at me.

I raise my hands, taking a step back. “Wait a minute.” I try to get a look at the can she’s holding. “Is that even for skin? Is this going to leave a rash? Or will my skin be permanently stained for the rest of the school year?”

Charlie scoffs. “Yes, it’s for skin.” She frowns and looks at her arms and legs, completely covered with purple and orange. “Don’t know about the staining. Didn’t really think of that.” She shrugs. “Oh, well!”

“Ugh, can we go already?” Seth asks while turning around, facing the arena in the distance. “The game is about to start. We can leave asshole and Charlie to their own devices.”

Rachel frowns. “No, we can’t. Besides, Alex is coming with us?”

Seth slowly turns around. “What?” he asks, slowly approaching me and Rachel while she casually shakes the can.

“Yeah.” Rachel shrugs. “I invited him.”

Seth shifts his scowl towards me. His fists clench at his sides, and for a moment, I seriously wonder if he’s going to punch me in the face. Lucas steps between us, squaring his shoulders and towering over Seth. “I think that’s a great idea,” he says with a bitter smile. “It would be a great way for you two to finally get over your differences.”

“You have to be fucking kidding me,” Seth says. I can practically see the smoke steaming from his ears. “There’s no fucking way he’s sitting with us.” He shakes a finger in my direction, trying in vain to peek over Lucas’s shoulders. “First, he takes my spot on the fucking team-”

“I did not,” I add quickly, hissing when Charlie sprays my chest with the ice-cold paint. My body prickles in response and I clench my teeth to keep from awkwardly giggling. “Coach says you still have a spot.”

Seth rolls his eyes. “You pretty much replaced me. Then,” he gestures towards the forgotten beer pong table and continues, “you beat me at my fucking game. And now,” he gestures towards Rachel and Charlie to say, “you’re trying to take my friends.”

“I’m not your friend,” Charlie says, not bothering to look at Seth. Her attention is caught on my abs. “Are you a God?” she breathes, pressing her palms against my stomach and moving the paint around with her hands.

I stifle a giggle, knowing as soon as she discovers I’m ticklish, I’m never going to be able to live it down.

“How is your body this perfect?” Charlie asks, still mesmerized by my muscles. “Rachel, you have to feel this.” Charlie grabs Rachel’s hand and presses it against my front, making my whole body go ridged at the feel of her warmth.

My face flushes while I stare down at Rachel’s golden head, unable to see her face. Her palm flattens against me and my cock twitches as I feel her stroke me up and down. I hold myself still, looking around at Lucas and Seth, who are both frowning.

“S-sorry,” I say, shrugging. An uneasy smile takes hold of me, and I wince when I meet Lucas’s scowl.

“Seriously, you must be a God,” says Charlie while nodding in appreciation. “Like, who looks like this?”

“I do!” Seth shouts, tugging of his shirt and throwing it on the ground. He flexes his muscles, but Charlie doesn’t bother looking at him. “See? Muscles!”

“Uh-huh,” Charlie mutters. “Sure.”