“Yes, it is.” Seth stomps his foot while looking around at the crowd. “Isn’t it?”

“Nah, bro,” Mike laughs. “Totally acceptable in the beer pong book of rules.”

Seth rolls his eyes. “What book of rules?” He shakes his finger at Alex. “This is so not honorable.”

Mike shrugs. “No one said anything about it being honorable. Only that it’s not cheating. Now shoot, Lucas!”

Seth groans, and Lucas shoots, hitting me in my bottom and missing the cups by a long shot. Alex straightens, and I bend over, grabbing the white pong ball and readying myself for the next shot.

“Way to go, partner,” says Alex, a wide smile on his face. He motions towards the table, stepping away to make space. “Ladies first, of course.”

Seth grabs his head with both hands, tugging at his hair while scowling at the both of us. “Lose, God dammit!”

I grind my teeth, desperately trying to contain my laughter. Knowing Seth, he’s never going to let me live this down if Alex and I win. He’ll probably call me a traitor and use this very day in every future excuse as to why he can’t do chores around the house. I should probably ensure we lose.

Although, beating Seth has a nice kind of ring to it. I wonder if he’s ever lost his favorite drinking game to a girl. Squaring my shoulders, I aim for a cup in the middle.

“Miss! Miss! Miss!” Seth shouts over and over again. Lucas covers his hand with his mouth, his face still red and tears dripping from his eyes. His entire body is trembling, trying to contain his laughter.

I shoot. Seth goes quiet. All of us watch as it soars through the air, and lands with a light splash into the cup in the middle. I raise my hands, my mouth dropping open while I spin towards Alex. He grabs my hands, and we jump up and down.

“I did it!” I laugh.

“You did it!” Alex shouts.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Seth grumbles. “Asshole’s turn.”

Alex doesn’t miss a beat. Without even bothering to aim, he shoots, and I barely register something white landing directly into the first cup. Seth tosses back his head, groaning angrily while Lucas grabs both balls and rolls them back to us.

“This is so bullshit,” says Seth before chugging his drink.

Lucas pats Seth’s shoulder. “We’ll get them in the next round.”

I push back my shoulders while Alex makes space. Inhaling deeply, I try to calm my breath, attempting to clear my mind. Seth leans over the table, pulling at his face and making funny faces. “Help me, you jackass,” he says while smacking aimlessly at Lucas behind him.

Lucas sticks out his tongue just as I shoot, making me hit one of the members of the audience. I should probably care, but I’m too busy laughing, unable to get the sight of Seth’s face and Lucas’s tongue out of my head. Alex shoots and it goes into one of the cups in the second row.

“I’m so sorry,” I say while Seth chugs the beer. “I couldn’t focus.”

Alex smiles. “It’s fine. Now, follow my lead. We’ll definitely get them with this.”

I watch him bend over, clutching at his chest while making kissing sounds.

“What the hell is that?” Seth asks, motioning towards Alex. He turns around and scowls at Mike. “Now, that can’t be legal.”

Mike shrugs. “Totally is, bro.”

I bend over and clutch at my breasts, making kissing noises while Seth turns back to face us. His face goes red as his eyes widen on me. “Seriously, what the fuck?” he shouts. “Rachel, you’re supposed to be on my side!”

I shrug. “Anything to win, right?”

Seth’s mouth gapes open, trying desperately to speak, but unable to find the words. I suppose my breasts have somehow stopped him from being able to speak. That’s a pretty cool superpower. I should probably use it more often.

Lucas shoots, and it goes into the cup closest to me. Seth shoots, and it goes into my shirt.

“Wrong place!” I shout while reaching into my shirt.

Seth’s face is completely red now while Lucas doubles over, laughing while holding his gut. I grab the cup, handing the ball to Alex before placing the cup to my lips. Before I can drink, someone bumps into me, and the contents go all over my jersey. I gasp, looking at the brown mess on me, hoping Hunter won’t be pissed by me ruining his shirt.