Alex chuckles. “I don’t play to win. Besides, it would be fun.”

“Oh, I think you should play,” says Charlie. I frown when I feel her pushing on my shoulders, making me stumble into Alex’s very large, very muscled chest. I hear her chuckling behind me while I lift my gaze, feeling as if my head is about to explode off my body. Alex straightens me, his hands touching my shoulders lightly, gently.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he says, his hands slipping away from me.

I hate the way I’m immediately wishing for him to touch me more. The cheers from behind surround us, yet I’m hardly aware of them. My attentions are focused on how close Alex is to me, how he’s still staring at me. There’s a sadness in his gaze, making me feel stupid for acting so awkward around him. There’s nothing wrong with playing beer pong with him, and besides, he’s new here. He needs to make some more friends other than me and Lucas.

“Nah, let’s kick their butt,” I say, grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the table. “Seth’s cocky attitude needs to be knocked down a peg anyway.”

“Kick some butt!” Charlie calls after us, making me shake my head at the girl. Later, I will have to remind her that pushing is considered rude in most countries, including the one we currently live in.

The crowd has grown around the table, and as we grow closer, I notice Seth holding up his hands in victory. “We are the champions!” he shouts while Lucas crosses his arms, waiting for his next opponent and perhaps scaring off anyone deemed unworthy. “Who dares challenge us next?”

I chuckle at the cockiness in Seth’s tone and how silly he looks. He’s beating his chest as if he’s some sort of gorilla or macho man, yet he’s barely taller than me.

“Come forth, if you dare!”

Lucas rolls his eyes, and I hold a hand to my mouth, stifling my giggles.

“We do!” I hear Alex shout from behind.

Seth jerks his head towards us. His hands slowly lower, and a deep frown settles on his lips. My hand slips from Alex’s arm as soon as Seth’s gaze lowers to it. His frown darkens into a scowl. I stop in front of the table, staring across it at my boyfriends. I’m unable to take my gaze off Seth, wondering what he will do next. He opens his mouth, and I grimace, waiting for him to say something bitter or rude. But before he can, Lucas shouts, “Think you can defeat the masters, Goode?”

Alex leans forward, his palms on the table, his lips moving into a sly grin. “Oh, I know it, Brent.”

Lucas looks at his nails, appearing bored, but I can’t help but notice the competitive glint in his gaze filled with fire. “Do you now? I seem to remember destroying you last time.”

Alex chuckles. “That was five years ago.”

Lucas rolls one of the ping pong balls towards us while Seth huffs. “Well, let’s see what you got,” says Lucas while positioning himself, ready to shoot.

Alex grabs the ball, angling his body and lifting his elbow high. The crowd around us shouts, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”

Lucas and Alex shoot. Lucas’s goes into the first cup, while Alex’s bounces off the rim of one and goes flying into the grass at Seth’s feet.

“Ha!” Seth shouts while bending down to pick it up. “We go first!”

Alex grabs the cup in front, rolling the ball back to Seth and Lucas before chugging the contents. “Don’t worry,” he says while resting the cup on the side. “We’ll make them eat their words.”

I laugh and shake my head. “I’m not so sure about that.”

Alex winks at me, and I feel my face heat as he leans in and whispers, “Just use your feminine wiles. I’m sure you’ll be able to sabotage Lucas.”

I’m tempted to ask him what he’s supposed to mean by that when Seth shoots, hitting the rim of one cup and bouncing into another. Grabbing the cup, I chug the contents and wait for Lucas to shoot. Alex turns around, bending over and wiggling his bottom. “Lookie here,” Alex says coyly. He puckers his lips and blows a kiss.

Lucas slumps, his shoulders shaking while he tries to contain his laughter. “Stop, you idiot.”

“Come on.” Alex taps my shoulder lightly. “Don’t let me do all the hard work.”

“What?” I breathe, taken aback while I watch him wiggle his bottom.

“Help me,” Alex laughs.

I turn around and wiggle my bottom, bursting into a fit of laugher when I see Lucas’s face turning beat red.

Seth juts a finger at us, shouting, “Stop cheating!”

“It’s not cheating,” says Alex.