We walk back to the beer pong table, hearing even more loud music and cheering from Lucas and Seth’s direction.

“I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s her problem, not yours. You’re not doing anything illegal.”

I shrug. “I know. I kinda don’t want to talk about it anymore.” I sigh and push my hair away from my forehead. The sun is already making me sweat, and I can feel everything sticking to me. “I’ve already obsessed about it long enough.”

Charlie nods. “Of course.” She smiles as she brings her cup to her lips, her brows waggling. “Speaking of boy toys, how have you and Alex been getting along.”

Just hearing Alex’s name makes my face flush and something shivers down my spine, pooling into my core and making desire twist within me. Every Monday and Wednesday, I have French class with Alex, which means us speaking with each other for nearly an hour on those days. I gave him my number, but he hadn’t messaged me at all, which was a bit disappointing, but maybe for the best. I really wanted to ask him why he wanted my number if he wasn’t going to use it.

But who does that?

I shrug. “Nothing’s really happened,” I say, my gaze dipping to my feet. “We just have one class together.”

Charlie scoffs. “We just have one class together,” she repeats in a high-pitched voice while clutching her beer to her chest and fluttering her lashes at the sky.

I roll my eyes and stride towards Lucas and Seth, now playing beer pong and winning. The crowd around them cheers, and I see several of Seth’s teammates surrounding him. Seth holds the small white ball in his grasp, his eyes narrowing on the cups across from him.

“Seth! Seth! Seth!” I see Mike shout while pumping his fists in the air.

My brows tent as I stare at Mike, reminded of his party and how Alex nearly caught Seth and I together. As far as Alex knows, Lucas and I are a thing. That nearly went down the drain when he saw me and Seth cuddling after he finished his keg stand. Thankfully, Alex hadn’t brought anything up in class. Hopefully, he thought we were only close friends. I don’t think I can explain myself again.

Not like I have to.

It’s my life and no one has to understand my relationship with Lucas, Hunter, and Seth. Maybe it was a bit forward of me to go down on Seth in Mike’s room, but I needed to release some pent-up tension. Not to mention, Seth has also been through a lot: being replaced on the track team by his arch nemesis, not being able to run, and feeling a bit useless around the apartment. He needed the blow job just as much as I did.

Seth shoots and everyone watches in silence, their mouths gaping open as they watch the small white ball bounce off one cup and go into the one behind it. Everyone cheers, throwing up their hands as the balls are rolled back to Lucas and Seth and their opponents have to drink. I smile, watching Lucas and Seth give each other a high five. It’s good to see them so happy, given the problems we’ve had to face together.

“They’re pretty good, aren’t they?”

My smile slips and I turn, finding Alex standing close behind me, his blue eyes focused on Seth and Lucas. My mouth gapes open and I take a step back as my heart slams in my throat, making it very difficult for me to breathe, let alone speak.

“A-Alex,” I murmur, watching as his gaze lowers to mine and his smile widens. Something in his gaze softens and I clench my hands to keep them from trembling. “What are you doing here?” I rush out. My face feels impossibly hot, as if I’ve been sunburnt and my legs wobble underneath me, barely keeping me standing.

Alex shrugs. “Mike invited me to tailgate with him and the other boys. Are you here with Lucas?”

My head bobs up and down vigorously. “And Seth. We’re here to cheer on Hunter.”

“And get a bit tipsy,” Charlie adds while holding out her hand. “I’m Charlie. Rachel’s bestie.”

Alex takes her hand, giving it a firm shake. “Alex. Nice to meet you.” I frown, noticing that something is different about him when he looks at Charlie. It’s like his guard is up. His back is straighter, his hand is clenched at his side, almost as if he’s not at ease at all.

Charlie giggles, and when Alex turns back to me, she mouths, “Oh, my God,” while clutching at her chest. I bite my tongue to keep from giggling too.

“Do you mind if I join you?” Alex asks while shoving his hands into his jeans. He’s dressed rather nicely for attending a tailgate; with a white polo shirt and new-looking tennis shoes, I would picture him going on a date rather than to a football game.

“S-sure,” I say. “The more the merrier.”

I turn away from him and grimace, knowing I’m never going to hear the end of this once Seth finds out. He’s going to go on and on and on about how much Alex sucks and how we should ditch him somewhere. Sometimes, I really wish Seth would let his rivalry with Alex go. It’s not like Alex is a bad person.

He’s actually very sweet.

“Do you play?” I hear Alex’s soft voice, sending shivers through me.

“Huh?” I ask, not quite understanding what he’s asking of me.

Alex nods towards the table, his eyes glimmering mischievously in the sunlight. “Beer pong. I was wondering if you’d like to play with me.”

I blink up at him, reminded of another time when I played beer pong with Seth and Lucas. “Oh, I’m not very good,” I rush out. “You wouldn’t want to play with me.”