I sigh while looking at myself in the mirror, holding my two best dresses. Well, they are not as beautiful as the red dress Lucas bought for me. I frown at its reflection, staring at me through the mirror, haunting me with memories of the fight I had with Lucas. It’s my best dress, but I think it’s a bit too fancy for a brunch, no matter how wealthy Lucas’s parents are and how nice the place is.

Lucas told me the name of the restaurant that we are meeting Christina and Frank Brent. My heart instantly dropped to my stomach and my insides went cold when I saw the photographs on their websites. It’s one of those places where they have a chandelier hanging every few feet from each other, the tables and chairs are gold plated, and there are at least seven forks and spoons to decipher between.

According toPretty Woman,I should start with the outer silverware and move inwards. Hopefully, Julia Roberts won’t steer me wrong, because that is the only advice I have in order to get through the next few hours. That and keeping my mouth as quiet as possible. I already suspect Christina will be a bit passive aggressive towards me and Frank will probably hound me with questions I don’t know how to answer.

I inhale deeply in order to calm myself. I shouldn’t be thinking so negatively. They were the ones who invited me,thereforethey’ll probably be on their best behavior. My frown deepens in my reflection, recalling my last interaction with Christina.

I raise the baby blue dress up once more. It’s a little short, but it has puffy sleeves and a high collar. I can wear it with my nude heels and some faux gold jewelry with my hair up. That will certainly look nice. Although, I don’t know Christina’s opinion on short dresses, considering last time I saw her I was in my bunny pajamas and slippers.

I hold up the white t-shirt dress. It’s a bit longer, ending just above the knee. It’s more like a long collared, button down with a belt to cinch in the waist. A bit more casual, but I can spruce it up with my pink pumps and some more gold costume jewelry. I tilt my head to the side, switching the garments back and forth, before tilting my head up to the ceiling and emitting a frustrated groan.

Both dresses are nice. Both dresses will look super cute and can be styled nicely. I toss the blue dress onto the bed, opting for the white t-shirt dress, given that it is longer. When in doubt, always go a bit more conservative, at least that’s what Mom always told me.

I belt the waist and slide on my pink pumps before pulling my hair into a high bun. I tug a few strands down to frame my face and dab on a bit of gloss. Smiling at myself, I turn around, deciding this is quite cute for a formal brunch with the parents.

There’s a soft rap at my door followed by Lucas peaking inside. His eyes widen and traveling over the length of my body while he pushes the door open. I notice his white button-down shirt and his jeans, which makes me feel better about my dress choice. I guess it won’t be that fancy.

“Wow,” he murmurs while striding towards me. “You look beautiful.”

I try to hold my smile, yet these days I don’t know how to react around Lucas. I’m still upset with him. We still need to talk and I don’t think sharing a meal with his parents is really the greatest way to mend the rift growing between us. Actually, I’m absolutely positive it’s going to make the rift bigger, but it’s important to him, and I want to show him I’m still in this relationship.

“Are you sure this will be fine for where we’re going?” I ask while crossing my arms, feeling a little self-conscious.

Lucas smiles and rests his hands on my shoulders, nuzzling his nose against mine. I feel a spark in the pit of my stomach and close my eye, enjoying this close proximity.

“Definitely,” he murmurs.

I open my eyes while his hand laces with mine, allowing him to tug me out of my room and into the kitchen. My purse is still on the counter where I last left it; a small pink bag that barely contains my wallet and cellphone let alone my keys.

Seth and Hunter are sitting on the sofa, talking about something I don’t catch as their voices lower. Hunter keeps glancing at me and my eyes narrow, suspecting they had been talking about us.

Seth glances over his shoulder, whistling as his eyes rake over me. “Don’t you look mighty fine.”

I roll my eyes and groan. “That’s not exactly what I was going for, Seth.”

Seth smirks, yet it quickly dissipates as he lifts his body from the sofa, grimacing as he tries to get a better look of me.

“Don’t overdo it,” Hunter mutters while reaching for Seth, but his hand is quickly pushed away.

“I’m fine,” says Seth with an eye roll.

I chuckle at Hunter’s scowl. “We won’t be long,” I say, feeling Lucas’s hand give me a gentle squeeze. “I expect the both of you will stay out of trouble. Don’t move around too much.” I waggle my finger at Seth, who rolls his eyes once more.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he mutters while turning around.

“Have fun!” Hunter calls while Lucas guides me out of the apartment.

I’m partly surprised, and yet thankful, when Lucas escorts me outside the apartment complex towards the awaiting taxi. I expected a limo, knowing Lucas and his family. It seems like this will be a bit more of a casual meeting; only the venue and food are fancy. The food is supposed to be amazing. My stomach grumbles in response as I buckle my seatbelt, turning my attentions to the window while the driver begins the commute.

The silence is deafening. Other than Lucas tapping on his knee there is nothing. No music. No weird conversations with the driver. Nothing. I glance at Lucas, seeing that he’s also staring out the window. His leg bounces up and down.

Is he just as nervous as I am? I wonder, but don’t ask.

My hand grabs his tapping fingers and he jerks towards me, looking surprised before a smile takes hold. “Don’t worry,” he says, as if I’m the one fidgeting nonstop in the car. “It should be fun. If not the food is supposed to be great.”

I nod, not knowing what to say. His voice is cracking. He’s definitely nervous about something. I’ve never been this nervous in front of my parents, but then again we had an open discussion. They always told me to call them if I had been drinking, because they didn’t want me drinking and driving. I asked Mom to be on the pill and she was very proud of my maturity. I think the only time I had been nervous around my parents, was when I told them I was going to Colorado for school, rather than staying in New York.

I had been nervous, but not this nervous.