
I hear the sound of the starting pistol go off. The yellow ribbon falls and I surge forward, allowing my body to do what it’s trained for these past several weeks. I weave around the first man in front of me, then the woman on my right. I continue weaving around the other racers until only five runners are in front of me. My body settles into a steady rhythm as I continue running forward, knowing I will need to keep up this pace for the next several miles.

I will have to save all my reserves for the end, when the others will be exhausted. I focus on my breathing, keeping it calm as I continue my run, turning down one street towards my left. A crowd of people stand behind the ropes, cheering and holding up signs. Someone in front of me stops to grab some water, allowing me to run past them.

Water already? I think, feeling cocky. We’ve barely been running ten minutes and they need water. I chuckle and shake my head.

“Water already?”

I scowl and look to my left, finding Alex running alongside me while glancing over his shoulder. He smiles brightly at me before giving me a wink. “I thought you were going to give me a glimpse of that backside of yours.”

My scowl darkens as I watch Alex’s gaze lower to my ass, nodding in appreciation.

“I suppose it looks good from this angle, too.”

“Shut the fuck up, Alex,” I rasp, trying to keep my pace steady no matter how much I want to surge forward. He’s playing games with my head. He just wants me to use up all my energy now so he can pull to the front. I need to ignore him, push him out of my head.

“Ah, but I like talking to you. You’re so much fun to tease.”

I clench my jaw to keep from saying anything. I’ll have about four hours of this nonsense to deal with. I can’t let him get to me.

“Do you think Rachel and Lucas are breaking up?”

My fingernails dig into my palms while I try to ignore him. I can’t pull forward. I need to save my energy for the last three miles. My right shoe feels uncomfortable, as if I tied it too tightly, but I ignore it. Everything is fine, I tell myself. Don’t let this asshole get to you.

“If they are, I wonder if she’ll be interested in dating me.”

I growl, jerking my head in Alex’s direction, hating that stupid smile on his lips. “You stay away from her, you fucking asshole.”

Alex chuckles, the sound more like a choke given that he’s running. “I thought you two were friends.” He tilts his head to the side.

“I thought you and Lucas were friends,” I grit out.

Alex nods. “Sure, yeah, we are, but Rachel is quite beautiful, and I’m quite the collector of rare beauties.”

Stay calm, I tell myself. He’s just trying to get in my head.

“Do you like her, Garcia?”

I ignore him, focusing my attentions forward as I turn onto the street to my right. The marker reads 10K, meaning there are 32 more kilometers of dealing with this assholes bullshit. I clamp my eyes closed, trying to listen to the sound of my own heart beating rather than Alex’s grating voice.

“If you say you like her, I just might leave her alone.”

My eyes snap open and I turn towards him, finding interest playing across his face. How can this asshole talk so easily while running a marathon? I’m dying here just trying to remain focused. My entire body is already beginning to slow. My muscles feel tight. I feel my legs wobble as I continue to push forward. Sweat drips down my flushed face.

“I like her,” I rasp. “So stay away from her.”

Alex’s smile widens, but he doesn’t say anything. He just stares at me, making me want to lunge and shove his body into the cement. I turn forward, seeing the marker for 15K and I push myself slightly harder, fighting my body. It begs me to slow, my muscles burn in my legs, my arms, but I ignore it. My mind feels like it’s soaring into the sky and I relish in the runner’s high, allowing it to seep into my veins.

Running past the 15K marker, I see someone holding out a water bottle. I reach for it, not bothering to stop as I run past. Quickly, I open it and douse my face in the chilled water, opening my mouth and allowing the droplets to soak my parched tongue. I barely have time to toss it into a trash can. Someone slows in front of me into a jog and I race past them, smiling at myself.

There’s only two in front of me, and the asshole on my left.

I can do this.

I turn to Alex, noticing he’s no longer looking at me and focusing on the race ahead of us. Thank fucking God. I don’t think I can handle any more of his talking. How did Lucas every become friends with this guy? I don’t even want to know how they met. Most likely it was at one of those fancy rich events where rich kids go to meet other rich kids.

The race continues quickly and my joy brims within me as I see the 20k marker. I pass it easily, stepping up my pace. Alex sidles next to me, urging forward. The bastard is probably going to pull the same bullshit he did when I first some him at the Eiffel Tower Park. I won’t allow him to trick me this time. I’ll save the last surge of energy for the end and leave him in the dust.