“I wouldn’t want to outrun you in the first ten minutes of the race.”

“Like hell you will!”

Alex nods towards me. “Alright, I’m heading out. Good luck with this one.”

I smile. “Thank you, Alex.”

I feel Seth’s eyes on me while I watch Alex walk out the door. Out of the corner of my eye I see him gaping, looking shocked that I would treat his nemesis so kindly. As soon as the door closes, I turn around and head towards the living room, dumping my exhausted body into the sofa. The heels in my hand tumble to the floor, and I lean back against the cushions, closing my eyes while I watch the memories from the night unfold once more.

“So, what happened?” Seth asks. I feel the cushions dip and his arm comes around my shoulders, pulling me close. “I thought you and Lucas were heading somewhere fancy.”

Opening my eyes, I turn towards Seth. All the anger and hate has left him, and he watches me with love and adoration. I haven’t seen that look in so long. He’s been so busy preparing for this race, I haven’t really gotten to speak with him since the last time we got into an argument. I brush my fingertips against his brow, pushing the brown locks away from his gaze. He leans into the touch and I smile.

“Lucas and I,” I say softly, but the door opens and slams shut.

I straighten in the sofa and Seth perks up, glancing over his shoulder. Lucas stalks inside, his dark scowl meeting mine for a brief moment before he strides towards the kitchen. I wait for some sort of response, maybe even a ‘hello’, as he grabs a glass and pours water inside it.

He remains stubbornly quiet.

“No hello?” Seth asks with an awkward chuckle.

Lucas slams down his glass and scowls over his shoulder at us. I sigh in frustration and jump out of the couch. I can’t stand being in the same room as Lucas right now. Not after what he said. I can’t believe he would accuse me of going after Alex. The track athlete had only been looking out for me and trying to make me feel included at an event that definitely wasn’t up my alley of expertise.

“I’m going to bed,” I announce, trying not to look at Lucas. I force a smile at Seth, who frowns while glancing between us. “Good night.”

“Are you two fighting?”

“No,” Lucas and I say in unison.

I flick my hair over my shoulder. “Why would you say that?”

Seth crosses his arms and leans against the island. “Becauseneither of you are talking to each other, andobviously you’ve been crying.”

Lucas glances in my direction and I look away. “You know what, it’s been a long night,” I say while turning around. “I thinkit’sbest if-”

“So, Alex took you home,” says Lucas in an accusatory tone.

I bristle, feeling a bit attacked. I’m not going to be made to feel guilty over a guy helping me home. A guy who is supposed to be his friend. “Yes,” I say, drawing out the one word while watchingLucas’s gaze darken. His hands clench, but I’m not going to back down. I frown at the red mark on his cheek, remembering how I slapped him. My palm still stung a bit from the hit.

Honestly, I hadn’t realized I hit him until moments after it happened.

“Do you have a problem with that?”

Lucas smirks. “Actually, I’m kinda surprised you didn’t wind up at his place. After all, you seemed like you were begging for it.”

Seth gasps. “What the hell is going on?”

I scoff. “That’s bullshit and you know it. Alex was just being nice to me.”

Lucas laughs bitterly, tossing back his head like a drama king. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

“You know what, I have no clue what corncob got stuck up your ass tonight, but I would be so happy if you pulled it out and talked to me like an actual adult.”

“Alright, alright,” says Seth, holding out his hands as if he’s monitoring traffic and positioning himself between us. “Why don’t the both of you just take a chill pill, go to bed and you’ll resume this in the morning after some much needed sleep.”

“Ha!” Shouts Lucas while crossing his arms. “Like that will actually happen.”

I shake my head, stepping towards him.