I shouldn’t be nervous. I’m around these kinds of assholes more often than not. If it wasn’t for my freaking life being on the line, it wouldn’t matter at all. Yet Samuel’s threats have me acting like a complete idiot. Part of me really thinks I should just tell father the truth. Just let the cat out of the freaking bag. What is he going to do?

Sure, he can take the money away. He can demand I move back home. He can tell me either I work for him after I graduate or I’m out on my own. Will that be so bad?

I swallow the lump in my throat. My fingers pause, allowing the ribbon to lie around my neck as I imagine my future without my parents’ backing. Me, in a tiny studio, writing at a desk while wearing torn jeans and mismatching slippers, empty cups of ramen surrounding me. That doesn’t sound so bad. Yet, I imagine what my life will be with Rachel, her frustrated with her four jobs, the bros coming home late, passing out on the one tiny bed we all have to share.

I wrinkle my nose.

Yeah, I need my father’s money. Maybe I should just give in, become a lawyer like him. I can always write on the side. I grab the ribbon tying it quickly and smiling at the neat bow I make. I’ll just have to convince everyone to move to New York with me, which won’t be so bad for Rachel, since she’s from the area. Seth can still work at a running store there and Hunter can visit whenever he can between games. That’s if he gets into the NFL.

I will just need to keep all this secret from my parents.

And when I get married-

I pause, frowning in the mirror, wondering what they would say if I decided to marry Rachel. I could see them both saying no, bringing over a different girl; someone who is a family friend with tons of money.

Then what?

I shake my head. I’m getting in way over my head. Rachel and I have only been dating for not even a year. There are a million things that can happen between now and then. I shouldn’t be fussing over it.

But still, it’s my freedom on the line.

And tonight could decide everything for me.

I should just tell Father the truth.

My phone buzzes, and I sigh in frustration. I pick it up and scowl when I see Samuel’s name. Another text message, most likely about the stupid event. Samuel has been texting me all day with little reminders of what to say and how to act. It’s like he thinks this is my first time at ablack-tieevent. Doesn’t he know I’m a Brent? Mother hosts these stupid little things all the time.

I open the message and shake my head.Don’t forget to speak with Mr. Blake.

I roll my eyes. Like I could possibly forget to speak to him. Does Samuel think I’m a complete idiot? Honestly, I have no clue what I’m going to say about Samuel’s firm to score a meeting with the man. I don’t even know what Blake looks like or why he could use Samuel. The more I think about it, the more frustrated and worried I get.

I turn away from the mirror and slide my cell back into my pocket. I will just have to put on the charm. I’m good at faking it. I can bullshit my way through tonight just like I bullshit my way through my job with Samuel.

I stride out of my room, inhaling deeply to calm my racing heart. “Rachel?” I shout, hoping she’s already dressed and ready to go. As much as I don’t want to go, I know I can’t be late. “Ra-”

I stop, pausing in the threshold, staring at Rachel standing in the middle of the kitchen. She’s wearing the red dress and the blackopen-toedshoes. Her curly hair is up in a simple bun with a few strands framing her face. Crystal earrings glitter from her ears, matching the crystals on the shoes, yet I have a feeling they are fake. She slowly turns to me, offering a hesitant smile.

“Wow,” I breathe, slowly stepping towards her. “You look absolutely beautiful.”

A blush settles on Rachel’s face, making her look even more radiant and she nods her head, her gaze dipping to the floor. “Thank you.”

“Have the others seen you?”

Rachel chuckles. “Seth went for a run two hours ago and Hunter has been busy drawing.”

“So, no,” I say, unable to hide my joy. This is all for me for tonight. No bros taking her attentions away. All mine. I take her hand, lacing my fingers with hers and tug her towards the door. “Well, let’s get going. If we stay any longer, I’m going to try to get you out of that dress.”

Rachel laughs, tossing back her head while following me towards the door. “Oh, no. We can’t have that.”

I lead her down the hall, walking briskly. I know that if I don’t, I’ll grab her and carry her all the way back to the apartment. I can’t take my eyes off her. She’s like a goddess. I have never seen her done up before. She always looks beautiful. Even in her bunny pajamas or after an all-nighter; even with her hair in disarray and her mascara sheered all over her face, she looks beautiful. I don’t think I can ever love another woman the way I love Rachel.

The limo is waiting for us in front of the apartment, and Rachel stops, her mouth gaping open as she watches the chauffeur open the door for us. I hold out a hand, chuckling at Rachel’s surprise.

“Well, come along. We don’t want to be late.”

Rachel takes my hand, and I tug her inside, helping her slide over. As soon as I’m inside, I reach for the champagne, knowing I’m going to need some liquid courage to get me through tonight.

“I thought we were going to be taking the taxi,” says Rachel as she watches me pour a glass.