Rachel shakes her head. “It’s too much. This dress is already way too much.”

I shrug. “Don’t worry about it.”

I see something flash over Rachel’s face, as if she wants to tell me it does matter. She looks uncomfortable. I’ve never seen anyone be so concerned about money, given that I’m the one paying.

I don’t know how to feel about it.

It definitely feels different than what I’m used to.

Alice brings over a pair of open toe black stilettos with crystals embroidered into the front. Or perhaps they’re diamonds? Doesn’t matter. Mom and Dad are paying anyway.

“These would look amazing,” says Alice while she kneels in front of Rachel, sliding the shoes onto her feet.

Rachel wobbles in front of me before gathering her balance. She smiles while placing her hands neatly in front of me. Now, all we need is a tiara, andshe looks exactly like a princess. “Beautiful,” I say while taking her hands and kissing them. “We’ll get everything.”

“Perfect. Would you like more champagne? Perhaps some canapés while we package everything nicely for you?”

Rachel shakes her head. “Oh, no. That’s quite alright. We’ll just-”

“Yes,” I say quickly, in a commanding voice that reminds me of my father.

Rachel flashes me a look. “Really, it’s alright. We can celebrate with McDonalds. I don’t need-”

“Where will the canapés be served?” I asked, already turning around and following Alice towards a staircase.

I don’t know what’s come over me. It’s like I want to flash my money in front of Rachel. I want her to know I will always be there to take care of anything and everything for her. Yet, somehow I feel like I’m doing it wrong. I don’t understand how though. Usually women like having money spent on them. They like going on fancy trips, sleeping in my family’s fancy houses, buying $5000 dollar dresses, decorating themselves in diamonds and sapphires.

But Rachel is different.

I can always be myself around Rachel. Somehow, my parents being here and working under Samuel has unlocked something disgusting within me. It’s like I’ve suddenly become Marcus, wanting to flash my wealth.

Why can’t I stop?

Maybe it’s because it’s the one thing I’m good at. It’s the one thing proven to work on the ladies. And I so desperately want it to work with Rachel.

Seriously, I must be falling in love with her.

Alice seats us on the third floor of the shop’s building near a window displaying a small beautiful garden and a fountain with two mermaid statues, their mouths open as if they are singing. The butler places two glasses of champagne in front of us while several other servers appear out of nowhere, placing small plates of cucumber and smoked salmon mousse, roast beef with black truffle and brie, as well as an assortment of chilled meets and a variety of cheeses.

Rachel blinks at the food, a look of shock marring her face. “Wow,” she whispers. “I’ve never been treated like this before.”

I smirk. “Like what?”

She turns her wide eyes onto me. “Like a princess.”

I chuckle and shake my head, grabbing one of the roast beef canapés and stuffing it into my mouth. “Just an average day in the Brent household.” I don’t know why I said that. I feel like I’m acting like a complete asshole.

“Really?” Rachel asks with wide eyes. “I never had days like today.” She frowns, her gaze lowering in the food. “Sometimes I feel like we’re living in two completely different worlds.”

I shrug. “It’s not always shits and giggles. Actually, most of the time it can be a real royal pain?”

Rachel purses her lips. “How?”

I lean in close, grabbing my glass and taking a sip. “I’m not free. My parents pretty much make every decision in my life. I have to study what they want. Work where they want. Pretty much take a shit where they want.”

“But you got to attend Aurora.”

I chuckle and shake my head, recalling that huge argument. “That’s because I didn’t apply to any schools until the last second, so Aurora was the only one that accepted me. The only reason why Dad went along with it, is because Aurora has a good rowing program and he didn’t want me embarrassing him by attending college a year later.”