Irritating that I need him and wonderful I can get pretty much anything I want.

I just have to pay for that kind of power with my freedom.

I check the time on my Rolex. 7:59. I’m right on time.

“Mr. Allen is in his office,” says the receptionist brightly. “If you want, you can wait here or-”

I force a smile and jam a thumb at the hallway. “I will just wait outside his office. Can’t let him think I’m late on my first day.”

The receptionist nods enthusiastically and I walk down the corridor towards his office, pausing when I discover his door open. I frown, hearing him speak, wondering if he’s firing the intern he hired before, or if he already has a client in there.

“Well, Frank, I would love to have dinner with you and Christina later.”

I still at the sound of my father’s name on Samuel’s lips. Is he really talking with my father? Is he actually here in Paris? I peak around the door and slowly step forward. Samuel turns in his chair, his smile brightening when he sees me. Something horrifying twinkles in his eyes and I know just by that look, Samuel has something terrible up his sleeve.

He’s going to use me and spit me out just like my father.

“Yeah, we can definitely be there around seven. I’ll let Lucas know. I’m sure he’ll be excited to see you after all this time.”

I scowl at the floor. It’s the only thing I can do. I don’t know why Samuel suddenly agreed to do this. Obviously, he’s hoping to get something out if it. Last night was definitely making a deal with the devil. I spent the next several hours trying to figure out a way to get out of working for Samuel Allen, but it didn’t matter. There was no other way around it.

And the bastard met Rachel. Meaning he would probably tell my parents about her.

Just thinking about last night has me grinding my teeth, wishing I would have stayed; wishing I would have seduced Rachel into not answering the door. If I had only tugged her back to me, kissed her, then maybe I wouldn’t be in this mess.

No. That makes no sense.

If I only told my parents the truth before, I wouldn’t be in this mess. Samuel is the only way out and I’m going to have to work for him until the end of summer if I want to continue being sponsored by my parents.

That’s the reason for all this.

I’m a coward. I can’t stand the thought of getting by on my own. I want my freedom, but I want someone else to pay for it. I’m weak.

And I’m a fucking asshole for trying to pin the blame on others.


My gaze rises and they land on Samuel, now rising from his throne. He motions to the chair in front of him and I stride towards it, sitting on the edge and trying not to bounce my leg up and down frantically.

“Thanks for coming on time. I apologize for making you wait. Your parents arrived in Paris last night and wanted to invite me to dinner. It’s quite interesting though,” he adds while stroking his beard. “They think you’ve been working for me since the beginning of the week. Apparently, they thought that was the plan from the beginning.”

My heart drops to my stomach and my hands clench the armrests. My face heats, feeling like I’m sitting on the beach under the sun rather than in an air-conditioned room. My whole body sweats as I wonder what Samuel said to my father. Is the ruse up? Am I in the deepest shit of my life? I imagine my father’s face, staring down at me with a dark scowl. In my mind, I can see my father’s body elongating while I shrivel into a childlike form, unable to escape his wrath.

Samuel smiles, tilting his head to the side. “Don’t worry. I didn’t say anything to them. Your secret is safe with me.” He winks and I watch him come around the desk, knowing he’s planning something in order to keep me under his thumb.

Samuel Allen doesn’t do favors.

“Come along,” he says while nodding towards the door. “Let me get you acquainted to the staff. I wouldn’t want you spoiling anything when your father grills you at the restaurant later.” His dark smile makes my stomach twist. Suddenly, all I want to do is heave my breakfast all over the carpeted floor and run very far away.

Instead, my body rises and I find myself following him out of his office and deeper into his law firm.


I stare out the window in the taxi. Every cell in my body demands I open the door and throw myself out, knowing exactly what awaits me at the restaurant. I clench my jaw, remembering the morning working under Samuel; learning his staff, the way around the office, being sent around like a gofer.

Honestly, it’s not hard work.

I just don’t see myself becoming a lawyer. Just listening to Samuel on the phone with his clients mademewant to take a sharpened pencil and stuff it into my ears. I could have been at home, working on my latest writing, applying to the next contest, getting my name out there.