“Do you know if your running store is hiring, Seth?” Lucas asks. His bloodshot eyes land on me and my heart pulls. I wish he was sitting next to me so I could hold his hand or give him a hug, but Hunter and Seth both staked a claim on my shoulders.

Seth opens one eye. “Bro, I have no clue. You’ll have to wait until we get home.”

Lucas’s frown deepens. “How much longer do we have?”

I grimace and look at my watch. “About thirty minutes.”

Lucas groans, turning his attentions towards the window.

“Bro, I told you my dad could have picked us up,” Hunter says while straightening himself. He cracks his neck before slinging an arm around my shoulder.

“I didn’t want to bother him. He already paid for that expensive meal.”

Hunter shakes his head. “Dad was just happy it wasn’t hookers or drugs.”

Seth chuckles. “I wonder what he would do if it was hookers or drugs.”

Hunter shrugs. “Hunt me down and drag my ass back.”

“What about that cafe you always go to, Rachel?” Lucas asks, his voice shaking. “Do you think they’rehiring?”

“Bro, calm down,” says Hunter. “My therapist always tells me to handle one problem at a time. What problem should you be handling right now?”

Lucas’s brows furrow. “Getting home?”

“Wrong,” says Hunter while raising one finger. “You should be handling your boredom. Right now, you are solving your boredom by worrying nonstop about something you can’t fix right now. Why don’t you think of all the exciting things we can do this year?”

Lucas frowns. “Honestly, I can’t think of anything.”

Hunter scoffs. “You must be kidding me. It’s your senior year.” He pulls me closer to him and nuzzles the top of my head. “I’m excited for the new football season. I’m going to play hard and ensure I got spotted by a coach of the NFL.”

I kiss his jaw. “Of course you are.”

“You’ll go to all my games, right?”

I make a face. “I don’t know about that.”

Hunter frowns. “Really? You won’t go to them?”

“I’ll go to five total,” I say while holding up five fingers.

Hunter’s eyes narrow. “Ten.”



I jut out my chin. “Four.”

Hunter’s eyes widen and he shakes my hand vigorously. “Five then.”

I chuckle and bat his hand away.

“What about you, Seth?” Hunter asks.

Seth groans and nuzzles his head against my shoulder. “I’m not excited about anything.” His eyes open and he scowls at the seat in front of him. “Gotta talk to fucking coach about how I fucking fucked up and my leg us fucked and I won’t be able to fucking run.”

The elderly lady in front of us turns around and scowls at Seth, making his face flush. “Sorry, ma’am,” he murmurs.