I feel like I’m finally leaving the nest and on my path towards becoming an adult.

I press my lips against Rachel’s, enjoying the feeling of her against me after so long of being apart. She opens for me, sliding her tongue against mine. I feel her hands in my hair, stroking the strands softly.

Pulling away from her, I smile down at her misty green eyes, stroking the side of her cheek.

“I’m fine,” I whisper while lacing my fingers with hers. She smiles up to me and I swear, it’s difficult to breathe. I’m unable to look away from her. I never knew I could feel so much love for someone.

I place another kiss against her brow,murmuring, “I’mexactly where I need to be.”



“I’m so sorry, for everything,” says Lucas while facing me and holding my hand in the taxi back to our apartment.

I feel exhausted and giddy at the same time. It’s probably from crying, and also from the fact that Lucas finally stood up for himself. Well, he also stood up for me, which is all I can really ask for. It’s everything Iwantedhim to do. I know we still need to talk about what happened, but I feel like everything will be fine from now on.

“I can’t believe they said those things to you.”

“Itsfine,” I say while giving Lucas a gentle squeeze. “Thank you for sticking up for me.”

Lucas shakes his head. “It was bound to happen. This, I mean,” he says while nodding at me. “I know they hate outsiders and they hate me not following all their orders. It will probably be hard from now,” he grimaces. “And different.”

“We’ll get through it together, Lucas.”

I press my lips against his, but the car stops, making the kiss short lived. We slide out of the car and I watch Lucas hand the driver some euros from his wallet before grabbing my hand and tugging me inside. His lips are on mine as soon as we are through the doors, stumbling through the hallway towards the elevator.

“I just want to be with you,” Lucas murmurs against my lips.

My hands are in his hair, tugging him towards me, never wanting to let him go. His tongue strokes mine, stoking the fires within, making that pit in my stomach twist in desire. I moan, meeting his demands, twining my tongue around his and enjoying the soft groan escaping his lips.

The elevator dings and we stumble inside, refusing to part from one another. I’m vaguely aware of him slamming his hand against the buttons before shoving me against the wall. He grabs my leg and grinds himself against my core while the doors slide shut. A whimper escapes my lips and my mouth slides from his, lulling to the side while he kisses a path down the length of my neck towards my chest. Myshoeis barely hanging onto my foot. I cling to his hair as his teeth graze against the sensitive flesh at my nape, sucking lightly before sliding back up to seize my mouth.

I hear something plop onto the ground and release it’s my heel. I’ll need to retrieve it. I can’t forget. They’re cheap, but they’re also cute. Lucas’s hand going down my front makes me forget all about my shoe and my body pulls taut as I feel his hand slide under my dress and rub against my panties.

My mouth releases him and I lean against the wall, my leg pulling him closer to me as his fingers increase their pressure. My lips part as I gaze back at him, his eyes lingering on my lips before lifting to me.

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes.

I pull him towards me, wanting my mouth on his, but the elevator dings and the doors slide open. Lucas slowly kneels before me, grabbing my shoe and sliding it onto my foot. I like this look, with him in front of me, on his knees, gaze up at me while putting on my shoe. It makes me feel powerful, and I can’t wait to have him back at the apartment.

He rises and grabs my hand, pulling me down the hallways towards our apartment. His fingers fumble with the keys in his pocket as our pace quickens. I’m desperate to be out of these clothes and on top of him.

Stopping in front of our door, I watch his hands tremble as he shoves the key towards the lock, missing a couple times before gliding it inside. I bite my lip as he shoves the door open. Kicking off my shoes, my hands wrap around his shoulders. He picks me up easily, as if I weigh nothing andslams me against the wall. I moan as his mouth finds my neck, sucking lightly while he grinds his hard cock against me.


Both Lucas and I jerk towards the sound, finding Hunter standing with Seth peaking around the corner, their mouths agape either in shock or arousal.

“So, I guess you’re not fighting anymore?” Seth asks while waggling his eyebrows. He wobbles to stand next to Hunter, holding onto his crutches with a white knuckled grasp.

Lucas chuckles and we turn towards each other. An easy smile comes over my lips while my head lulls lazily up and down. “We’re not fighting anymore,” I murmur while nuzzling my nose against his.

Lucas’s grip on my bottom tightens, andhe carries me from the foyer through the kitchen, towards my bedroom, where he dumps me unceremoniously on the bed. Seth and Hunter tag along with Seth propping his crutches against my bed before rolling over next to me.

“I’m ready,” says Seth while throwing his arms out.

With one dark look at his shoes from Lucas, Seth kicks them off.