“Well, it means everything to me.”

“And what about in five years? No, ten?” Dad smiles bitterly while leaning in. “What about then? What will you be doing? Writing?”

I nod. “Yes, that’s exactly what I will be doing.”

Dad chuckles bitterly. I turn to Mom and see she isn’t looking at me. “And she will be an artist? You’ll both be starving, living on the streets, unable to provide for yourselves.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do know that.”

“Lucas, please,” says Mom while grabbing my hand. I try to lurch my hand away from hers, but her grasp tightens. “Listen to us. We know what’s best for you. We just don’t want you making the same mistakes as-”

“As who, Mom? You?”

Mom flinches and she instantly releases me. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

I laugh darkly, watching her eyes widen in horror as she leans away from me. “You know exactly what that means. You don’t love Dad, you just use him for his money.”

“That’s not true,” she breathes, her eyes glimmering with unshed tears.

“How can it not be true when he cheats on you every chance he gets?”

“Now, you listen here, you little shit!” Dad shouts while grabbing my collar and shaking me.“You are going to break up with that girl, finish your program with Samuel, and when your senior year ends, you are returning to Manhattan. Got it?”

“No.” I grab his hand and shove it off me. I shove my chair back, not caring if the waiters and the other guests are staring at me while I rise, towering over my father. “I’m not doing any of that.”

Dad’s face is going red as hesputters, thinking of what to say. His eyes are wide, filled with anger and hate. Has this man every loved me? Or has he only seen me as a means to an end? I don’t think he’s ever told me he loves me.

I don’t think I’ve ever loved him.

“Sorry,” I hear a wonderful voice.

Turning around, I see Rachel walking towards us, her eyes red and swollen, most likely from crying. Her makeup is smeared around her eyes. She forces a smile while glancing between my parents. Her brows tent in confusion for a moment before softening.

“I think I’ve caught some sort of stomach bug,” she says softly, her gaze moving to the floor. “I don’t want to get you sick. I think I should get going.”

I nod and close the distance between us, looping my arm with hers. “I’ll be going with you. I seem to have caught the same stomach bug.”

Rachel lifts her gaze, her eyes widening for a moment before a genuine smile takes hold of her. She doesn’t say anything as I turn us towards the direction of the door, striding briskly towards it.

“Don’t think you can use the family name after this!” Dad calls after me.

I shrug, not bothering to turn around. “Fine!”

“Don’t let him just leave like this,” I hear Mom say. “Go after him. You can’t just let him leave with nothing resolved.”

“I’ve given that little shit so many chances,” I hear Dad say.

“Are you ok?” Rachel asks.

I gaze down at her, knowing this is where I belong, by her side, taking on the world together.

“Don’t you dare think you can be part of this family everagain!” Dad shouts after me, as I open the door and step out into the light.

Of course, I’m worried. It’s only a matter of time before I get cut off, or Dad shows up onmy doorstep, demanding I return. Butright nowI feel reborn, re-energized. I know this is the right path for me. No more sitting in an office, being bored out of my mind. No more listening to my parents telling me what to do and what to say.

I can finally be myself and do what I want.