I turn, watching as Hunter, Lucas, and Alex enter with the nurse.

“Alright, MonsieurGarcia,” says the nurse while handing him a clipboard. “Let’s get you out of here and home in your own bed.”

I rise from the bed and stride towards Hunter. He grabs my shoulders, his brows furrowed while he wipes something off my cheek. “You missed a little,” he whispers into my ear, making my face flush.

I stride towards the door, wanting to see what else I missed in the bathroom. Glancing over my shoulder, I find Seth signing the forms and Lucas watching me, looking as if he has something to say.

We’ll have to talk, eventually.

I just don’t know if I’m ready.



“Alright, here you go,” I say while helping Seth into his bed.

He grimaces as I take his arm off my shoulder. We were able to get him some crutches before we left, which we’ll have to return to the hospital before we return to Colorado. They lie next to the door, nearly forgotten. I just hope Seth remembers he’s not supposed to put any weight on that foot of his. I can just see us returning to the hospital with him screaming in pain in my ear and me yelling at him for being an idiot.

The pharmacy wasn’t that far away either so we were able to pick up his pain medication, which was pretty much a European version of aspirin. Like that’s really going to help him. However, it’s probably better than being given anything stronger. I don’t think I can handle another Hunter situation. Those harder pains meds are quite addictive. It’s probably better this way. He’ll also need to look into physical therapy when we return to Colorado. Most likely I will be nagging him day in and day out about all this annoying shit.

I sigh and rub my temples, already feeling annoyed and agitated like a fretful mother. Thinking of his mother, I wonder if someone should call her and tell her what happened, but I know Seth won’t want to worry her. His family situation is just as complicated as mine. I don’t want to get involved.

Watching him now, I can tell the drugs from the hospital are already wearing off. His whole body is trembling as if he’s standing naked in Antarctica. Part of me wonders if it’s too soon for him to be home, but then again the hospital isn’t the nicest of places to be sleeping in. Thankfully, the bill wasn’t too expensive. I was able to pay for it with the Brent family card.

I watch Seth roll over, not bothering to change out of his track clothes. He rests his head on the pillow and stares up at the ceiling, his hands gripping the sheets.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask while watching him clench and unclench his jaw.

Seth nods, but I can tell he’s lying. I have never seen him this quiet in my entire three years of knowing him. I don’t like it.

I sigh in frustration and rub the back of my head. “Do you want a warm bath? I’m sure Rachel will allow you to use hers.”

Seth shakes his head.

“Are you sure?”

Seth groans and presses his hands against his face. “For fuck’s sakes, Lucas,” he says angrily. “I’m fine.”

“Are you hungry?”

“No,” Seth moans while smacking the bed. “I just want to be left alone.”

I sigh and shake my head, grabbing the bag of medicine lying next to the door. “I’ll get you some water to take with the painkillers. Then maybe you should get some sleep.”

“Way ahead of you.”

I stride past Hunter’s door, hearing him talking with his therapist on video chat. My gaze slides to Rachel’s door, noticing it’s closed. She’s probably reading a book or possibly drawing something. My parent’s brunch is in a few days and I haven’t found the courage to ask her to join us. I know we have a lot to talk about. I know I need to apologize, but everything has been weird since the fight.

I don’t know how to fix it.

For the first time ever, I want to actually mend a relationship with a girl, but I don’t know where to start or what to say. I’m worried I’m just going to make everything worse.

With a frustrated sigh, I turn away from her door and move to the kitchen, pausing when I see Rachel leaning against the island, staring out the balcony doors at the sun setting in the distance. She looks beautiful with her curly blond hair hanging over her shoulder, dressed in simple jeans and a t-shirt. All I want to do is go to her, grab her hand and pull her towards me, claim those sweet lips of hers, but I know I can’t. She’ll probably push me away or call me an asshole.

As if she senses my stare, Rachel turns to me, her eyes widening for a brief moment before she straightens herself and clears her throat. “Sorry,” she murmurs. “I got lost in my own train of thought.”

I chuckle awkwardly, not knowing what to do. “Happens to me sometimes,” I say softly while striding into the kitchen.