“Will he need surgery?” Lucas asks and my gaze turns to him, watching the worry play over his face before being replaced by that wall I’ve become so used to in the past several days.

The doctor shakes his head while moving his clipboard under his arm. “No, not at all. Although it will be quite painful. I’ll prescribe a mild painkiller.” He lowers his gaze to Seth. “No running,” he says while pointing his finger at Seth. “No weight on that foot whatsoever. You’ll need to get around on crutches for the next several weeks. Remember to ice and elevate.”

“Will I be able to run again?” Seth asks, the fear plaguing his gaze making me want to wrap my arms around him and tell him everything will be alright. I know how much running means to him. It’s the one thing that keeps him grounded, yet it’s also the one thing that caused this mess to begin with.

Well, I guess it isn’t really running, but Seth’s obsessive nature to outdo everyone around him.

The doctor nods and Seth he releases his breath, leaning into the pillows behind him. “It will take three to four months to heal.”

Seth’s lips part, his eyes widening in horror. “Three to four months?” He asks, his voice shrill. “But that mean, that means,”heturns to me and shakes his head, “my track meets begin in September. Are yousaying-”

“You won’t be able to run until October at the soonest. Most likely November.”


“MonsieurGarcia,” says the doctor, looking very annoyed, “if you ever want to have full function in that foot; if you ever want to run again, you will head my advice. No weight on it until at least September, and no running until late October or early November.”


“No buts,” says the doctor while shaking his head. “If you didn’t want this to happen, then you should’ve practiced safe training.” He looks at his watch before turning on his heel. “Now, if you excuse me, I have other patients to attend to. The nurse will be by in another hour or so to have you sign some forms. You can return home tonight. If anything happens, or your foot worsens, please return.”

I take Seth’s hand, giving it a gently squeeze while watching the doctor leave. As the door opens, I see Alex carrying several coffees and a croissant under his arm.

“So?” he asks while sliding into the room, setting the items onto the nightstand next to Seth’s bed. “Is everything okay? Can you go home?”

“Yeah, he’s fine,” says Lucas.

“What?” Seth asks, his voice nearly a shout as he scowls at Lucas. “Everything is not fine.” Tears brim his eyes while his grasp on my hand tightens. “Everything is fucking shit. Didn’t you hear anything the doctor said?”

Hunter sighs. “I know it sucks now, but-”

Seth scoffs and shakes his head. “I don’t want to hear it right now, Hunter.”

“So you just want to sit here, feeling sorry for yourself?” Lucas says while throwing his hands into the air.

Seth sniffs and I worry he’s going to burst into a fit of tears. I’ve never seen this side of him I don’t know if he wants to be alone, or if he wants a hug so I remain on the bed, holding his hand, offering my support.

Seth nods his head while wiping his eyes. “That’s exactly what I want to do.”

Alex sighs and gives me a knowing look. “Maybe it’s best if we wait outside,” he says softly. “Let the two of you talk for a bit.”

I offer him a small smile of gratitude and nod, watching as Hunter and Lucas follow him out of the room. Seth’s hand slips from mine and he covers his face, his shoulders shaking I suspect he’s crying quietly to himself. The news isn’t terrible, yet I can understand that it’s pretty much destroyed his running career for the next few months. It’s nothing he can’t return from, but it definitely puts a glitch in his plans.

I slide closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him towards me. He sobs while nuzzling his face into my neck. I feel his tears against my skin. His hands cling to me while he hides himself away. I stroke my fingers through his hair, shushing him while swaying from side to side.

“It’s going to be okay,” I whisper into his ear.

He shakes his head. “Nothing is ever going to be okay,” he rasps.

“I know it feels terrible now, but things will work themselves out. They always do.”

Seth pulls away from me, his swollen red eyes meeting mine. He wipes them, embarrassment splaying over his face while he quickly looks away from me. “I’m sorry,” he says while making some space between us. “I don’t mean to be so weak.”

I shake my head while stroking his cheek. “You’re not weak at all, Seth. You’re exhausted. Physically and mentally. You can’t be perfect all the time.”

Seth inhales deeply, pushing the strands on his forehead away from his face. “It’s the first time ever I didn’t finish a race. What am I going to tell coach? How am I going to repay him?” He motions towards his leg. “How am I going to be able to keep my scholarship if I can’t run?”

I take his hands and press my lips against his knuckles. “You don’t need to figure everything out now. You still have time.”