“What are you doing here?” I ask without thinking. I look over my shoulder in the direction of Samuel’s office. “Do you have a meeting with Samuel?”

“Well, yes, but I was also wanting to see you.”

I swallow the groan demanding to escape from me. Looking at my father, I watch him straighten his watch and jacket before looking at his pristinely manicured nails. I don’t know if he does this due to anxiety, or if he’s simply a vain man. Perhaps both.

“Is everything alright?” I ask, feigning interest. If anything is wrong, it’s probably because they aren’t happy with the hotel service or the food isn’t posh enough for them.

“No, not at all. Your mother and I are returning to New York next week after the marathon, and we were hoping to meet with you for brunch before we leave.”

I nod. If I need to get through one family brunch to be rid of them, then so be it.It won’t be that bad,I think while forcing a smile. Probably just an hour or two and then I can negotiate something with Samuel. Maybe I can just go to that gala of his and then spend the rest of my summer with Rachel.


If she’ll have me.

At this rate I don’t even know if she wants to be with me anymore. I wouldn’t want to if I was her considering I was very cruel.

Father clears his throat and forces a smile. “Perfect. I will have your mother send you the precise time and location.” He snaps his fingers and something glimmers in his eyes. Something I don’t like. “Why don’t you invite that girl?”

That girl, I think darkly, trying very hard not to scowl. She’s not ‘that girl’.

“What was her name again? Raven? Raquel?”

“Rachel,” I say, unable to hide the venom in my tone. How hard is it for anyone to remember Rachel? It’s like the easiest name in the world.

“Ah, yes, Rachel. That’s it.”

My eyes narrow on him. I think he actually remembers her name. He’s just being rude. I frown, remembering Rachel’s words about my mother; how she had said some cruel things to her in the kitchen. Part of me wants to ask, but Father most likely will play dumb.

“I’ll ask her,” I say, forcing a smile I know doesn’t reach my eyes. “Well, I need to get back to work. I’ll see you then.” I start to turn around, but stop when Father grabs my arm, jerking me backwards.

A shudder runs down my spine as I meet Father’s cruel smirk. “Bring her,” he whispers harshly, making me recall all those times I lived under his roof; the shouting, the hitting.

My head bobs up and down. “Okay,” I breathe, feeling relief when he finally lets me go. I watch him stalk down the hall towards Samuel’s office. My whole body shakes and I try to will thedark thoughts away, yet they linger, haunting me. I clench my fists and turn away, stalking past the receptionist and out the door, knowing fresh air is the only thing that can help me.



I groan as the volatilebeepbeepbeepof the alarm clock on my phone goes off. I blink my eyes open, squinting at the sunlight blaring through my window. Grunting, I push myself up, scratching my head while looking at my phone. It’s seven in the morning on a Saturday. Today is the day of Seth’s big race, which he has been training like mad for. I should be excited for him, yet my stomach twists in worry as I slide my feet out of the bed and slowly pad my way out of the room, walking towards the bathroom for a quick shower. I can hear some thumping in the other rooms and suspect everyone else is already up and getting ready.

I start the shower and quickly strip, eyeing my muscles in the mirror for a moment. I’ve been gaining the weight back I lost from partying and doing drugs the previous semester. There is more color in my face. Thanks to my workout regime I’ve been able to keep my six pack, yet I’m not as bulky as I should be for the next year…my last year playing football for Aurora.

I will need to play well if I plan on playing for the NFL after graduating. I doubt this last term will look well in the eyes of scouts and coaches given I barely played in January and February. I will also need to prove myself to Coach, gain his trust again if I don’t want to be benched.

I shake my head at my reflection, knowing these are worries I can’t solve right now. I step into the shower, stifling a groan as the hot water hits my face and shoulders, washing away any of the stress lingering in my thoughts. I’ll handle all those problems when I return I tell myself, trying to think of all the advice Dr. Forrester has given me over the past several months.

I just need to take one thing at a time.

Although, recently it’s been difficult for me not to think of the future when things are a bit fucked up amongst our group. The mood has been quite sour since Lucas and Rachel’s fight. We haven’t been having dinner together like usual. The last few days I’ve felt like I’ve been walking on eggshells. Rachel and Lucas pretty much avoid each other while Seth spends all his time training. This will be our first time all together since the fight and I’m worried Lucas and Rachel will spend most of the race either pretending the other doesn’t exist or making snide remarks.

I have no clue which Iprefer.Bothare awkward situations I kinda don’t want to be in.

I turn off the water and dry myself off. After tying the towel around my waist, I fling open the door, making my way towards Seth’s room. Pressing my ear against his door, I frown when I hear no movement.Has he overslept?I wonder while staring at the door. That wouldn’t be like Seth. Maybe he’s sitting on his bed, staring at the wall while trying to get his mind into the game like I know several players do. I think they call it meditation?

I open the door and my frown deepens when I don’t find him inside. His room is mostlybare withonly his backpack lying on the ground and a pile of dirty shorts, t-shirts, and underwear sitting in the corner of the room. His bed is unmade. The curtains are open and shining light inside.

Perhaps he’s on another run?