The problem was me.

It is me.

It’s always me. Why can’t I be upfront with my parents? Why can’t I be myself? Especially with Rachel. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did. It wasn’t her fault I failed with Joe Blake. And I should have just told her what happened. We would have had a laugh about it and continued on with hanging out with Alex.

My pride got in the way.

And my family.

I open my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. I wish I had seen her this morning. I could hear her crying from the night before, and it broke my heart that I was the one responsible for it. Seth didn’t really help. I hated how he pretty much swooped in like a knight in fucking armor.

Although, that guy is not looking good these days.

Someone needs to talk to him about his diet and exercise. He’s overdoing it.

The door opens, and I jump, turning towards Samuel’s bright smile.

“Come in, Lucas,” he says before striding back into his office.

I follow him, feeling doom seep into me, strangling my insides. I pull at my collar, finding it difficult to breathe.

“That was Joe on the phone.”

I still. My heart stops and I watch Samuel sit down at his desk, spinning around as if he’s a little boy in a toy store.

“Joe Blake?” I rasp.

Samuel nods, looking smug as he stares back at me. “He’s game. Good job, Lucas.”

I clear my throat. “But, how?” I barely spoke with the man. His friend, Louis, thought I was a complete idiot. It didn’t make any sense.

Samuel shrugs. “He can never turn down the Brent family.” He chuckles. “Says if one of them is working for me, I must be good enough for him.”

My insides twist around themselves and I seriously feel like I’m going to be sick. So that’s it? Just flaunt my family name and I can get whatever I want? Then why do I need to even bother with law school? Why do I need to bother with anything? I can just wander from place to place, say my name, and get into anywhere I please.

Without even trying.

Why does that anger me so much?

“I expect you to be at the Gala at the end of August.”

“The end of August?” I repeat, feeling as if I’m having anout-of-bodyexperience, watching myself from above like I’m an angel replaying old events. “Why?”

“Well, I’ll need you to speak to the Marksons and the Getties.”

“You mean, you need me to introduce myself. That’s really all I have to do.”

Samuel snaps his fingers and his smile widens like a shark about to feast on several tons of fish. “Exactly.” His gaze lowers to the papers on his desk and he waves a hand at me. “Now, out. I’m very busy. Go have a drink and celebrate.”

I hardly feel like celebrating. Leaving his office, the only thing I can think about is trying to make amends with Rachel for all the hell I put her through last night. And for nothing. I was upset with myself, and I took it out on the one person who actually listened to me, cared for me.

I’m such an asshole.

She doesn’t deserve me.

I ram into someone and stumble backwards. “I’m so sorry,” I say, trying to straighten the person. “I wasn’t paying attention.” I pause, my mouth gaping as I see my father staring back at me, brushing the invisible lint from his suit jacket.

“It’sfine, Lucas,” he says gruffly. “I’m sure you’re quite busy.”