“Rachel?” Dr. Arnaud asks while I take out my phone, frowning when I see Samuel’s name on the caller ID.

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Well, hurry up. We don’t have all day.”

I flash her a bright smile and I nod, watching her leave while answering the phone.

“Hello?” I say into the receiver.

“Ah, Rachel. How are you doing this morning?”

“I’m fine, Mr. Allen. Did you get the photos I sent? Was everything to your liking?”

“They were absolutely perfect.” He pauses and I grimace, already suspecting the reason why he called. “I was actually wondering if you could come down to the firmtoday?”

I shake my head even though he can’t see me. “Sorry, Mr. Allen, but I’m actually busy with my internship program today.”

“Well, what about tomorrow?”

“Mr. Allen, I think it’s best if I focus on my internship. I thank you though for thinking of me, and I wish you all the best.”

I hang up before he can say anything more, knowing that if he continued pestering me I would give in. I slide my phone back into my bag, happy with my decision. There’s an extra skip to my step as I stride towards the museum.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” says Lauren as she sidles close to me. “What were you doing last night? Out partying?”

I flash my badge, not bothering to look at Lauren as I enter inside.

“What? Not going to say anything to me?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know why you can’t just leave me alone, Lauren. I haven’t done anything to you.”

I hear her scoff behind me and turn around, finding her crossing her arms while she scowls back at me. “You must be kidding. It’s about what you did to Josh. Not at all what you did to me.”

I smile bitterly, slowly stepping towards her as if I’m a huntress and she’s the prey. “Oh really,” I say darkly. “So it’s about Josh then? Are you still talking to that sexual predator?”

Lauren’s mouth drops open. “You know-”

“Oh, I know very damn well,” I say, stopping mere inches from her. “I know that you would rather side with a sexual predator than a girl like me, who you used to be friends with by the way. But no, because you like Josh, obviously he can do no wrong.” I cross my arms, watching that stupid mouth of her shut while she stares at me with glimmering eyes. “How’s that working out for you by the way?” I ask, leaning towards her.

Lauren takes a step back. “It’s fine.”

I chuckle bitterly. “Like, how can you sleep at night knowing that your crush can’t take no for an answer?”

Lauren juts out her chin, yet remains pleasantly quiet.

“You should be ashamed of yourself,” I whisper harshly before turning on my heel and striding down the hall.

I smile, feeling glee surge around me, taking hold. I can’t believe I finally stood up to Lauren. I had a heart-to-heart with Dr. Arnaud. I discovered what is truly important to me, which is this internship.

What started out as a crappy day, is quickly turning into a good one.



I’m going to throw up. I am actually going to vomit all over Samuel Allen’s carpet. My leg won’t stop bouncing up and down as I wait outside his office for him to call me in. He’s currently in a conference call with someone. At least that’s what the receptionist said. It could very well be my father.

I lean back in my chair, bumping my head lightly against the wall and closing my eyes. Memories from the night before swim back to me and I grimace, wishing I could erase them. I was such an ass to Rachel. I had taken my initial jealousy and turned it into a whole thing when that hadn’t been the problem in the first place.