Now is my chance.

I pat Rachel’s side and lean towards her. “I will be right back.”

“Oh?” She perks up while my hand slides away from her. “Where are you going?”

“I just need to speak with someone, and then I’m all yours,” I promise, forcing a smile and trying not to notice her hand still on Alex’s arm.

I know it’s nothing. She likes me. She likes the bros. But I still can’t help but feel agitated. There are so many other things I would rather be doing right now.

Like Rachel in the back of the limo.

Or having dinner with Rachel at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Or playing video games with the bros while eating pizza.

I grind my teeth. I just need to get through this and then I’m home free. I stop several inches from the men, forcing my best charming smile. “Hello,” I say, grimacing at the crack in my voice. What the fuck was that? It’s like I’m fifteen all over again. “I’m Lucas Brent. I work for Samuel Allen’s Firm.” I hold out my hand, but both man stare at it as if it’s a snake they’d rather slowly inch away from.

“Ah, you’re Frank’s kid,” says the younger gentleman, thankfully taking my hand and giving it a firm shake. “I was wondering when I was going to meet you. Joe Blake.”

My smile widens, happy to know the kinder of the men is the one I’m supposed to be speaking with. He stares at me with a sense of familiarity, yet I don’t think I have ever met this man in my entire life.

“I’m Louis Clark,” says the other, taking my hand hesitantly, watching me with narrowed eyes. “How come we never see you in New York? I feel like I’ve been to hundreds of Christina’s events, yet you’re never there.”

I shrug, fighting off a grimace. My face feels like it’s going to fall off by the amount of smiling I’m doing. Or maybe I will remain permanently stuck like this?

“I’ve been busy with school,” I say with an awkward chuckle. “Prepping for law school and rowing meets tends to keep me a bit busy.” I shove my hands into my pockets to keep myself from fidgeting.

Joe Blake tilts his head. He smiles at me, yet it looks forced. His eyes watch me as if he’s grimacing. The aura around him changes, and I wonder if I’ve said anything to offend him. “So you’re working with good ol’ Sam this summer, huh? How come he’s not here?” He looks around briefly before returning his shrewd gaze to me. “I thought he wanted to speak with me.”

“Oh, he does,” I rush out. I’m probably coming off to eager. I should have planned for this, yet my mind is all muddled. I have no clue what to say to get Joe Blake interested in working with Samuel. Part of me wants to dig out my phone and look at the notes Samuel sent.

Why didn’t I do that on my way here? That would have been the smart thing to do; prepare for my meeting with Samuel’s potential client. Instead I was…

My mind flashes to Rachel sitting next to me in that beautiful red dress, the high slit going up the skirt, displaying a wonderful view of her leg. My face flushes and I realize both men are staring at me, expecting me to finish my train of thought. I have no clue what I was going to say. What were we talking about? The party? The weather?


“Um,” I start, but Louis is chuckling and patting Joe’s back.

“Kids these days,” Louis mutters while shaking his head. “Their heads must be stuck in all these electronics.” His eyes swivel back to me. “Can’t quite talk to people anymore.”

Joe chuckles and starts turning around.

“Wait,” I say a bit louder than I intended, grabbing Joe’s arm and making him pause. His eyes narrow on my hand on him and I quickly withdraw it, wishing I could find a rock I could hide under for the next century. “Why don’t you take my card?” I say, fishing out my wallet with trembling hands. “You’re probably busy now, but you should give him or me a call. We can-”

“Sure, kid,” says Joe, snatching the card from me and shoving it into his pocket without having a look at the contact info. “I’ll probably see you around.”

I frown, watching him leave with Louis. Louis whispers something in his ear and Joe tosses back his head, laughing. They’re probably saying something about me; about how I totally bombed. Or they’re probably comparing me to my father.

I grit my teeth, my hands fisting in frustration. I’m usually better than this. I can smile when needed and laugh when something isn’t funny. I can make a conversation out of almost nothing. My hands shake and I turn on my heel, finding the men’s sign and stalking towards the bathroom.

“Lucas?” I hear Rachel, but I don’t turn around. If I do, I know I’ll make a scene. I need to regroup in silence, where no one can see me.

I slam the door open and go to the sinks, turning on the faucet and splashing water on my heated face. My heart feels like it’s going to ram out of my chest. I can’t quite grasp my breath. My vision blurs and I lean against the sink, holding on as if the world will slip away from me. I claim my eyes close and inhale deeply.

“One, two, three,” I whisper while forcing the memories out of my mind. I don’t need to relieve my total fuck up with Joe, yet I can still remember the way they looked at me, as if they thought they were better than me. “Four, five, six.” I groan, remembering how stupid I sounded. I force the dark thoughts away as I continue to count, “Seven, eight,nine.” I wonder what this means if Joe doesn’t call Samuel. Will he tell my father? Will my father come to the apartment and demand I leave? Will he take me back to New York?

Will I even have a home after this?