Rachel’s leg slides off my shoulder and she tucks her breasts back inside before pulling up her underwear, giggling softly to herself. I tuck myself back into my underwear, clenching my jaw at the strength it takes not to rip Rachel’s clothes off her.

“Are you going to be alright, Lucas?” she asks me, her gaze sliding to my hard cock tenting my pants.

I try to think of my grandmother, but my mind is filled with Rachel tossing back her head, moaning in my ear as her leg is on my shoulder. I clamp my eyes close, demanding I think of something else; of Samuel scolding me, of my parents demanding I attend a university in New York.

That seems to do the trick.

“Fine,” I breathe, my voice shaking.

Rachel leans into me, her breasts pressing against my arm and I feel my cock reawaken. “Rain check in the cloakroom?”

I practically growl as I grab her, pulling her close to me, imagining her pressed up against the wall as I fucked her hard and deep. “Naughty girl,” I whisper in her ear.

The car pulls to a stop, and I am instantly straightening, pulling my arms off her while she makes space between us. The door opens, and I step out first, offering my hand to Rachel. Her eyes widen on the photographers standing around us, taking photos of everyone arriving at the event. She takes my hand, lookingstarstruckwhile staring at the restaurant in front of us, one of the oldest places in Paris with a Michelin star chef.

Tonight will definitely be interesting, I decide while guiding her inside, not knowing how I’m going to keep the wolves from attacking my date. The wolves being the elite and the wealthy, who will probably treat Rachel with disdain since she doesn’t come frommoney.

The man at the front takes my jacket while Rachel waits for me, gazing up at the chandelier as if she’s never seen one before. She probably hasn’t. Maybe in movies, but not in real life. I stride towards her, taking her hand and leading her deeper into the restaurant, finding familiar faces I wish I could hide from. Everyone is dressed in their finest and I’m happy to see the women are wearing something similar to Rachel’s dress. At least she won’t look like a complete fish out of water.


I groan inwardly, recognizing that voice while I slowly turn around, finding Marcus walking briskly towards us with his arms spread wide. “So happy you could make it.”

“Happy to be here,” I say while taking his hand, giving it a firm shake.

Marcus frowns at Rachel, looking her up and down with confusion written all over her face. “Do I know you from somewhere?”

I’m about to answer ‘no,’ but Rachel speaks before I can answer for her.

“Yes, I met you in Colorado at your cottage.”

Marcus taps his chin, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. I can’t seem to place you.”

Rachel chuckles and waves her hand. “It’s fine. It was our first time meeting each other. I don’t think you want to remember it anyway.”

Marcus’s frown deepens, looking as if someone just insulted his designer suit. “Why? What happened?”

I grimace, recalling the time Hunter made a complete ass of himself. He ended up breaking one of Marcus’s expensive vases and we had to leave.

“Umm, well-”

“It doesn’t matter,” I say quickly while tugging Rachel in the opposite direction. “Anyway, Marcus, thanks for the invite. Hope to see you around here again. Do you think you can point us in the direction of the cloakroom?”

Marcus’s brow furrows while Rachel gives me a knowing look. I give her a shrug. She can’t blame me for wanting to finish what we started.

“Cloakroom? Why do you need a cloakroom?”

Rachel sighs and shakes her head.

“Well, would you like to tell him, honey?” I ask while looking at Rachel.

I chuckle as she scoffs, giving me a dark look while smacking my shoulder lightly. “You are terrible.”

“I have no clue what’s going on,” says Marcus, sounding absolutely bored. “Anyway, enjoy the party. It was a pleasure, Raven,” he adds while walking briskly past us.

Rachel turns to me, leaning in close and whispering, “Raven? Where did he get that?”

I roll my eyes. “Welcome to my world. Where people just don’t care unless you are loaded with gold and cash.”