I’m probably being too open about my family, but I don’t care.

“Oh,” Rachel says simply. “But your family cares about you. They take an interest in what you’re doing.”

I scoff. “Of course they do. It’s because they don’t want me ruining the Brent name.” I lean back into my chair and stare out the window, scowling at the couples walking together. “Once college life ends, I can’t choose where I work. I can’t choose what I do. If I want the money and the name, I have to go along with everything my dad wants from me.”

“But, at least you have a family and the money to pay for school and your life style.”

I turn my scowl to Rachel. “What?” I can’t believe my ears. Why is she taking their side?

“There are so many people in the world who don’t have the money to attend college, go to Paris. Many don’t have families and come from broken homes. At least you have connections.”

I shake my head, wondering if I’m hearing her wrong. “Wait, what?”

“You’re actually pretty privileged. Sure, your parents have a lot of control, but if you were to leave them or go against them, you would still be better off than many.”

“I’m not better off.” I cringe at the anger in my tone. I don’t want to yell at Rachel, but somehow she’s not understanding me and the hell I’ve had to put up with my entire life. “I don’t have anything if I go against my parents.”

“That’s not true-”

“I don’t have the freedom to do what I want. I definitely don’t receive any love from my family.”


“I thought you of all people would get that. You met my parents. You’ve seen how crazy they are.”

Rachel sighs. “Ok.”

Ok? That’s all I get is a measly ok?

I see Alice out of the corner of my eye coming towards us. It’s probably a good thing, because I don’t like where this conversation is going. “Mr. Brent,” she says sweetly, “everything is packaged and ready for you downstairs.”

I force a smile. “Perfect, we’ll head down there now.”

Rachel keeps her head down as we follow Alice down the stairs. I don’t want to be angry with her. We were having a blast until just now. But why can’t she understand my situation? Why can’t she understand that I can’t live my life like a normal person?

Maybe she’s right.

We are from two completely different worlds.



I gasp for air as my arms continue pumping and my legs surge forward. My lungs burn. There’s a stitch in my side I don’t know if I can continue to ignore. But I must. I need to break my running record if I want to win this race. I need to beat that bastard Alex Goode. I scowl as I remember racing him. That asshole had been toying with me. I can still remember the stupid back of his head as he passed me by. He had done it so easily, as if I was moving at the pace of an elderly turtle.

I shake my head and focus on the scenery around me, however it’s difficult. A group of highschoolersare smoking in the corner of the park. The sun is beginning to set, and I can only look at the Eiffel Tower for so long. Not to mention this view is getting rather boring.

It’s my fault.

I should find a new place to run. This park is too convenient, given that it’s only about five minutes away from the apartment. Also, it wouldn’t be so boring if I wasn’t so intent on running in it three times a day.

I slow my pace, taking it easy so my heart doesn’t slam to a stop. I need to be careful. I can already hear Coach in my head, scolding me for not practicing as safely as I should. Atwo-hourrun in the morning, and hour after lunch, and another before dinner plus stretching and weightlifting throughout the day.

My whole life has become running.

I come to stop, bracing my hands on my knees while regaining my breath. I should be happy. This is what I wanted. Running is my life, the one thing I’m actually good at, but I feel like all the fun has been zapped from it. I can’t drink, for fear my weight will go up and slow my pace. I haven’t been eating the dinners Rachel has been painstakingly making. Just thinking about the pasta she made the other night has me salivating.

But no. I’ve stuck to pretty much high protein and low carbs since I met fucking Alex Goode in the park. I grit my teeth just thinking of the asshole. This whole thing would be much easier if he hadn’t shown his stupid face. I wouldn’t need to push myself to the breaking point. If he wasn’t here, I could be spending most my afternoons with Rachel.