Samuel clears his throat and I turn to him. His frown alerts me to the fact that I should be doing something, yet I have no clue what. “Notes,” he says while nodding to the pen and notebook on the desk in front of me.

I grab the pen and nod, waiting for Marcus’s boss to say anything of interest, yet all I can think about is Rachel last night and the way her body had felt against mine. I should have listened to her about my mom. I honestly just wanted to forget about the whole situation. I wanted to bury myself in her, have her soothe all the aches and pains of having to deal with my parents. Both myparents could be cruel when they wanted to be.Theysnubbed their noses at anyone without money, not trusting anyone, not letting anyone in.

It’s sad, when I think about it. The only thing they really care about is looks, and which of their friends they can use. My brows furrow and I frown while gazing out the window. Am I going to end up like them? Is that what is in store for me after I graduate college? Am I going to wind up with friends who only care what I can offer them?

I turn to Samuel, watching him speak, realizing I haven’t written anything down. This is ridiculous. I should just quit and have Samuel hire back his intern. There’s no point in continuing with this ruse. I obviously am not made for this kind of job.

“Alright,” says Samuel while standing and holding out his hand to the man. “Thank you so much for coming.”

I jump up. I haven’t written anything down. I don’t even recall Marcus’s boss’s name. What is wrong with me? I quickly grab the notebook, jerking it towards me so Samuel can’t see that I’ve done absolutely zero work. All I’ve done is worry about my future and about Rachel.

“I hope to hear from you soon,” says Marcus’s boss, Mr. Grey Haired Guy.

Samuel chuckles. “Oh, you most definitely will.”

I follow them out. The moment Samuel is alone I’m going to tell himit’sbetter we let bygones be bygones. I’ll come up with some excuse for my dad. I’m sure I can make up something on the fly.

“Hey, Lucas,” I hear Marcus’s grating voice, feeling his hand tapping on my shoulder.

I slowly turn around, cradling the notebook even closer to my chest. “What’s up, Marcus?”

“There’s a party going on in about two weeks. It’s ablack-tieevent. Nice wine.Lotsof opportunity to meet potential clients and partners.”

I smile, fighting the need to grimace. “Oh, I don’t know. I might be busy with the Rachel and the-”

“He’ll attend.”

I turn around, finding Samuel behind me, looking smug. “Well, I don’t know-”I start.

Samuel smacks my back. “It’ll be good for you to get my and your name out there. We could always use more clients. Not to mention, Mr. Blake will be there. I need you to talk to him; get him interested in our firm.”

“Sounds great,” says Marcus and I instantly want to punch him in the face for bringing this up in front of Samuel. I need to get out of this. I’m already in way to deep. “I’ll have my assistant send you the invite.”

How does he have an assistant? I want to ask, but I clamp my mouth close and nod dumbly. I watch him follow Mr. Grey Haired Guy out the door, wishing I could walk out those doors, as well.

“Hey, we need to talk,” I say while turning around, finding Samuel already walking back to his office. I chase after him. “I think you should hire the guy you let go. I don’t think I’m a great fit.”

“I agree,” Samuel says without looking at me, striding into his office and throwing the files down on his desk. “You suck. My other intern was much better.”

“Ok,” I start, feeling uneasy at how he’s agreeing with me. “So, we agree. I should go. I’ll give my dad some sort of excuse. And we can-”


My brows furrow and I cross my arms. “No?” What does he mean no?

Samuel nods. “That’s right, no.” He sighs and turns around, leaning against his desk. “Knowing you, you’re going to give your dad some sort of lame excuse he’ll likely buy so long as he doesn’t know that you are dawdling your time.”

“That’s not true.”

“Oh?” Samuel grabs his cell and hands it to me. “Prove it. Tell your father right now that you didn’t come here to work for me. You came to write and enjoy Paris.”

I don’t dare touch that phone, knowing the moment I do I will have to tell Dad the truth. And he can’t handle the truth.

Samuel smirks. “I thought so.” He returns the cell to his pocket. “Therefore, you are going to work for me and you are going to get me Mr. Blake. If you don’t, I will tell your father everything.”

My eyes widen. “You can’t,” I whisper.

Samuel’s smile widens while he crosses his arms. “I most definitely can.”