“Yeah, we’re having coffee,” I interrupt while straightening my back.

Josh faces me, squaring his shoulders while he towers above. His gaze darkens, and he crosses his arms in front of his chest. “Why are ruining my life?”

“Josh,” Charlie begins.

“I’m not ruining your life.” I try to make myself taller, but it’s hard when you’re short and sitting in a chair.

Josh chuckles bitterly and gestures towards Charlie. “You took my friend away, I can’t go to classes, because of what you said in your stupid report.”

I blink. “What?” I don’t really understand how any of this has to do with me. I filed a police report. I didn’t go to the school board.

“Yeah, I can’t go to classes now. A teacher went to the school board about me and they found the report you filed. So now I’m on probation.”

If I could kiss Mr. Brown, I would. It had to be him. It just to be. He was the only one I spoke to about my situation. I wonder when he went to the board.

“I hope you’re happy now, Rachel,” says Josh while throwing his hands into the air. “You got your revenge or whatever it is you wanted. I don’t know why you think you need to make my life a living hell. It’s not like I did anything to you.”

My eyes widen and I slam my hands on the table, rattling the coffee mugs. “Now listen here, asshole,” I say between clenched teeth while slowly rising from my chair, stabbing a manicured finger in his direction. “You don’t think you made my life hell after what you did?”

Josh scowls down at me, jutting out his chin. “I did nothing.”

I laugh bitterly, throwing back my head, earning some curious glances in our direction. “I haven’t been the same since you attacked me, Josh,” I say, my voice raising. I don’t care who hears me, who’s eavesdropping. Let them listen. Let them know that the sweet, kind Josh isn’t who everyone thinks he is. “I can’t go outside without feeling some sort of fear, I’m constantly looking over my shoulder, wondering if you are anyone else is going to grab me, take me, do something to me.”

Josh looks around, his eyes wide with fear as several women frown in his direction. I see out of the corner of my eye, his friends quickly standing from their table and grabbing their coats and bags as if to make a quick getaway.

“You’re the one who ruined my life!” I shout while shaking my finger at him, wishing I could stab it into his chest or smack him, knowing I can’t. I don’t want him to use anything against me, just in case he’s called into court; just in case the board or the police actually decide to take me seriously. “I can’t stop thinking about the way you grabbed me.”

“Rachel, stop,” says Josh while holding up his hands, still looking around at the cafe with worry. He takes a step back and I follow.

“No! I will not stop!” I shout.

Josh’s blond friend grabs his shoulder and he nods towards the door. “Hey,” he says casually, appearing calm given the situation. I notice he is trying desperately not to look at me. Really, I wonder how much these friends know. “Let’s go.”

“We can get a beer somewhere,” says Josh’s brunette friend.

I place my hands on my hips while Josh stills, his mouth gaping open as if he wants to offer some sort of excuse for his actions from that night. But there is no excuse; not for what he did.

“Fine,” Josh says while shoving his shoulder out of his friend’s hand. He smiles bitterly back at me. “It’s your word against mine, Rachel.”

I scoff and shake my head. “Go fuck yourself, Josh,” I say while watching him and his friends head towards the door. I notice the brunette glancing uneasily back at me as I lower myself back into my seat.

“Well,” I hear Charlie start.

I turn towards her, having completely forgotten that she is even here.

She smiles back at me. “That was interesting.” Her hand slides towards mine and she grasps it, giving it a gentle squeeze. “You okay, girlie? That must have been hard.”

I nod. “I’m fine. Absolutely fine.”

Charlie makes a face. “Are you sure? I wish I could have done more for you. I was actually really shocked to see him. I should have-”

“You were fine.” I shake my head and chuckle, filled with joy. I feel so light, as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I lean back in my seat, smiling back at Charlie while crossing my arms. “I know it must have been hard. Has Lauren messaged you back?”

Charlie sighs and shakes her head. “No. I guess I’m officially on her shit list.”

I give her hand a gentle squeeze before grabbing my coffee. “She’ll come around, eventually.”

Charlie nods. “Yeah.” The word lingers in the air as sadness fills it. We both know she might not ‘come around’. We both fear he will do the same to her, but at least something is being done. The school board is looking into it. Maybe I won’t have to see him around the school next year.

“How is Hunter doing?” Charlie asks while tilting her head to the side.

I sigh and nod my head. “He is hanging in there. Trying to be tough.”

“His mom’s funeral is tomorrow, right?”

I grimace. “Yeah, it is.” My gaze turns to the window, wondering how Hunter is really doing. He was still lying in bed when I left to meet with Charlie. I remember peeking into his room and he seemed to be staring off into space, his expression completely distant and unblinking. “I think he’ll be ok,” I say to Charlie’s reflection in the window. “It’ll just take some time.”