“Can someone please tell me what’s going on?” Hunter asks. “I thought we were going to have pizza and games.”

Rachel sighs and I watch her purse her lips while she looks between Hunter and me. “Alright, well just so you know, I didn’t want to tell you like this. And I was going to tell you!”

“Tell us what?” I ask, still completely confused.

Rachel twiddles her fingers together and I can’t help but worry that something terrible has happened. “Okay, well, here it goes. I was accepted into an internship program.”

My eyes widen and I feel my lips lifting into a smile.

“That’s amazing,” says Hunter.

“That’s so great!” I shout.

Rachel grimaces. “It’s in Paris.”

“Paris?” I repeat, my voice isn’t more than a soft whisper.

She nods. “It’s a summer program. I’ll be gone about two months.”

I can feel my smile falling. Two months? “When do you leave?”

“About a week after the semester ends.”

“That soon?” Hunter asks. I feel him rise from the couch, watch him wrap his arms around Rachel. “I’ll really miss you.” I watch him press a kiss on the top of her head.

Rachel smiles and pats his back. “I’m not leaving, yet,” she says. “We still have a few months. And it’s only two months. It won’t be that long.”

I blink. I’m still in shock. I don’t know why. I guess I thought we would all be spending summer together, hanging out by the pool and drinking cocktails. I should be happy for Rachel, but instead I fear what will happen to us. Things are already rocky between Rachel and Hunter. What if things become even rockier between all of us while she’s gone?

“Lucas?” I hear Rachel say.

I quickly stand and force a smile. I come to her side and stroke the side of her face. “I’m so happy for you,” I say, although deep down I’m already trying to think of a way to get to Paris. Maybe I could find a writing program. Maybe Dad has lawyer friends I could do an internship with. There has to be a way for us to be together this summer.