I nod. “Yep. Apparently Joe complained.”

Seth rolls up his sleeves and turns on his heel, stalking back towards the shop. “That bastard!” He shouts.

I run after him, grabbing his shoulder and turning him around. “Don’t worry about it.”

“But you’re never late. You even come to work sick. It’s absolute bullshit!”

I shrug. “I know.” I hold the coffee up and take another swig. “But the coffee helps.”

Seth purses his lips and I can see he’s trying to decide whether to let the whole thing go, or stalk into the sports store and give Joe a whole new reason to complain. His shoulders slump and I see that he’s decided on the former. “So what are you going to do?”

I turn around and continue down the sidewalk towards the small campus town. I feel Seth following at my side, feel his gaze watching me. “I don’t know,” I say while forcing a smile. “I have to find something though. Bills have to be paid.”

“Well, I guess you no longer need to work on the website.” My smile becomes real when I feel Seth’s arm wrapping around my shoulder, drawing me close. “We could see if any cafes are hiring.”

I wrinkle my nose. “I don’t want to work in the food industry. That would just ruin food and coffee for me.”

Seth chuckles while poking my nose. “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

I sigh, knowing he’s right. I need at least something to last until May and then I can look into another retail store.

“There should be summer positions open, if you can last until then,” says Seth while turning us further into the small town. My gaze lingers on an Urban Outfitters, staring at their window and wishing to see a ‘hiring’ sign, but there’s nothing but cute clothes staring back at me.

“No, I need something now,” I say, turning towards the Urban Outfitters anyway. Maybe they don’t know yet that they need me.

The bell rings when I push it open and I feel the aura around Seth darken. Maybe he’s realized that I may be in a mood for some retail therapy, I think with a smile. My gaze lifts to his and I chuckle softly at his scowl.

“What? So you can buy more of this crap?” He asks while gesturing towards a rack filled with oversized sweaters.

“Exactly,” I say while picking up a giant white sweater and holding it close to my body. “Have you heard from Hunter?” I look around for a mirror and find one in the middle of the room. I want to change the subject away from summer. I haven’t quite figured out how to tell them yet that I won’t be around and I have the slightest hunch that Seth will take it the hardest.

I watch Seth nod his head in the mirror. “Yeah, he should be by today to pick up some things. I think he’s taking the semester off.”

“Really?” I ask while lowering the sweater from me. I can’t believe Hunter is actually listening to his dad on something. It’s good, though. I’ll definitely miss him, but he needs the break. “Is he moving back in with his dad?” My heart squeezes with worry. I want him to stay with us. I hate this distance that’s been growing, but I know he needs some attention. Attention that I’m not so sure I can give him right now.

“Just for a few weeks. He plans on coming back at the end of this month.”

I nod. “Good.”

Seth grabs several figurines sitting on a shelf and turns them around. “He’ll actually need a job, too. Hey!” Seth perks up, his mouth twisting into a bright smile. “Maybe you guys can work together. The swimming pool opens in the summer. Maybe you both can work there and let me in for free!”

I chuckle and shake my head. “You’re ridiculous.”

Seth’s hands slide against my hips and he nuzzles his nose against my neck. “No, I’m not. I’m amazing.”

I turn around in his arms and wrap my own around his neck. “No to the swimming pool,” I say before placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

Seth frowns and releases me. “Why not? It’s perfect.”

I sigh. “For you it is, but I don’t think hanging out at the pool is my kind of thing.”

Actually, it’s totally my kind of thing. My fingers twiddle together, knowing I’m just going to have to come out and tell him. Now is better than never.

“Well, what would you like to do this summer? Lucas was talking about going to-”

“I’m going to Paris,” I blurt out. I grimace while watching Seth’s bright expression fall into a deep frown.

“Huh?” His mouth hangs open, and he stares at me as if I just told him that Brooks are the worse kind of running shoe in the entire world.