I whirl around, my eyes widening as I see Jerry storm down the porch with a bat in hand. He twirls it around as he stalks towards me. I hold up my hands, not quite understand why he is scowling at me.

“What’s going on Jerry?” I ask, cringing at the raspiness of my voice and how sore my throat feels.

“You know exactly what the fuck is going on!” Jerry shouts.

I shake my head. My feet give out and I feel myself falling. I groan as my knees crack against the ice on the pavement. “I’m sorry,” I say, trying to ignore the desperation in my voice and the tears prickling my eyes. “I have no clue what’s going on. Can you please just tell me where I am?”

“Where’s our money, Hunter?” Jerry asks, stopping in front of me with the bat lying on his shoulders, ready to strike.

“I lost my wallet. I don’t know where it is, but I can get you money. Anything you want.”

Jerry smirks. “Lost your wallet, you say?” He spits on the ground in front of me. “That’s what you said yesterday.”

I nod vigorously before wiping the tears from my eyes. I can’t believe I’m about to burst into tears in front of this guy. I don’t cry. Hunter is strong. He’s a man. He doesn’t cry like a baby in front of others.

“You’ve been with us the whole time. You’re fucking wallet is on the couch. You don’t have shit, Hunter. You know you don’t have shit.”

“Please, let me call my dad.”

“I’m tired of your excuses.”

I have no clue what is going on. I can hardly remember what happened last week let alone this past weekend. Surely, I have something left in the bank to give him. I know I have something.

“Just give me until tomorrow,” I say while slowly standing.

Jerry raises the bat and I look away, feeling pain explode through my bad shoulder. I bit back a scream and a low groan escapes my lips as I try to keep my mouth close. My hands grip at the ice. My flesh becomes numb and I lift my gaze, watching with wide eyes as Jerry slams the bat against my jaw. I fall onto the ground, spitting blood onto the snow. I try to stand.

“Stay down there you fucking piece of shit!” Jerry shouts while kicking me. “You owe us at least a grand if not more. You’re paying up today. Whether you like it or not. You understand me?”

I keep my mouth close, knowing the moment I open it I would cry and beg. I nod instead while pushing myself up, ignoring the pain making my body shake.

“I didn’t hear you, asshole.”

I feel the bat smack against my back and my mouth opens, releasing a shout. I groan as my body hits the ground, and I lay my head in the snow, not bothering to get up as I hear Jerry step over me. He crouches in front of me, grabbing my hair and lifting me to meet his gaze. “Some football hero,” he says while chuckling. He shoves me away and I remain on the ground, waiting and wondering what he will do next to me.

“You better-”

“He better what?” I hear a familiar voice.

I try to turn around and see who it is, but I’m in too much pain. I hear footsteps towards me while I watch Jerry smile easily at the person coming up behind me.

“This has nothing to do with you,” Jerry says casually.

“This has everything to do with me. That’s my roommate you’re beating on.”

Jerry sneers. “Well, your roommate owes us money.”

“How much?”

My eyes close. Lucas. I inwardly groan. It’s Lucas who has come to my rescue. A part of me feels relieved while the other part wants me to tell him to fuck off; I can handle my own problems.

I don’t think you can, a dark voice whispers in the back of my head. One I haven’t heard in a very long while.

“A grand,” says Jerry while stepping over me.

I push myself up, using the stop sign to pull my body up. I lean against it while I watch Lucas pull out his check book and pen. Jerry’s smile widens while he leers over Lucas’s shoulder and a shiver ripples down my spine as Jerry’s gaze lifts to mine.

“Make that two,” Jerry says quickly before Lucas can put pen to paper.