I grab Rachel’s hands and give them a gentle squeeze. “You’re worrying too much. It’ll be fine and work will survive without you.”
Rachel raises an eyebrow as if she doesn’t believe me.
“Alright,” I say while letting go of her hands. “If it takes longer I’ll swing by and work until you’re able to come.”
Rachel smiles and shakes her head. “You’re too good to me.”
“I know,” I murmur while counting the people standing ahead of us.
Five. Five people to wait through and then who knows about the others in the back and how long they’ll take. An hour might not be enough. I fidget while looking around, trying to find something interesting about this place. I notice the no cellphone sign and scowl. How am I supposed to find something to do if I can’t at least whip out my phone and play some games? Maybe I should have brought a book or something.
I chuckle to myself.
Like I ever read.
Another person is called to the front and I watch him walk impossibly slowly towards the desk. I don’t know why, but it annoys the crap out of me. Another person is called and I tilt my head back, hoping the two people at the desks are quick.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I quickly grab it, my brow furrowing when I see that it’s Hunter’s mom calling. That’s strange. She met have called the wrong number. Someone clears their throat and I lift my head, finding a woman dressed in uniform scowling at me. She nods at my phone and then glances at the no cellphone sign.
I fight the need to roll my eyes and quickly shove it back into my pocket while forcing a smile.
Another person is called to the front. We’re nearly there. I look at the time and see it’s been thirty minutes. Well, I guess this isn’t so bad, I think while glancing at Rachel, who keeps picking at her nails. I grab her hand and she looks up at me.
“It’ll be fine,” I reassure her.
My cell buzzes again and I groan, grabbing my phone, wondering if it is coach calling to complain that I’m late for practice. My eyes widen when I see it is Hunter’s mom again.
“Excuse me, sir,” says the uniformed lady. “There’s no cellphones allowed.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry.” I hang up and shove it back in my pocket, but as soon as it’s there it begins vibrating again.
Rachel watches me, her eyes perplexed and staring at my pocket. “Who is it?” She whispers.
“Hunter’s mom,” I say while turning away from the woman scowling at me. I’m not answering. Sure, I maybe should have turned it off, but she can’t get me in trouble if it’s not in my hand. Right?
“Hunter’s mom?” Rachel repeats with widened eyes. “Maybe you should answer it. It could be important.”
“But what about you? I’m supposed to be here to support you.”
Rachel shakes her head. “It’s fine. I’m nearly to the front.”
My phone continues to vibrate as I stare down at Rachel, wondering if I should really leave her alone. It took me so long to convince her to finally file a police report. I don’t want her to end up changing her mind and turning around.
“Don’t worry,” Rachel insists, once again reading my mind. “You have nothing to worry about. I’m going through with this.”
I nod and slowly back away, nearly bumping into the uniformed woman, who seems to be watching me like a hawk.
“Excuse me,” I say as sweetly as possible to her, earning an even darker glare before turning around and striding out of the station.
As soon as I’m outside I pick up the phone, once again seeing Hunter’s Mom flashing on my phone’s screen. “Hello?” I say as soon as I press the answer key. My stomach twists, knowing whatever she has to say, it can’t be good.
Why isn’t she calling Hunter? I wonder while pacing back and forth on the side walk.
“Hi,” says a masculine voice. “Is this Hunter’s friend, Seth?”
“Yeah,” I say hesitantly. This isn’t Hunter’s mom. Unless his mom has come down with a very bad cold. “Who is this?”
“I’m his dad. Do you know where he is? I’ve been trying to call him since yesterday. He hasn’t been picking up any of my calls. At first I thought he didn’t want to speak with me, but he hasn’t even been picking up on this number. Have you seen him around? I’m worried.”