“Steal your friends?” My mouth gapes open, trying to form words yet nothing is coming to me. There is so much I want to say to him. Asshole. Jerk. Rapist. But they all remain trapped within my throat.

“Yeah, Rachel,” says Josh, stepping closer to me. An ugly smirk forms on his face and I take a step back, worried he will do something to me even though everyone is watching us. “They were my friends before you waltzed in. And they will stay my friends. Go back to your whorehouse Rachel. That’s all you’re really good for anyway.”

I gasp and it takes everything within me to keep my hands from strangling him. Josh chuckles darkly and turns around.

“This isn’t over,” I whisper.

“Alright, class,” I hear Mr. Brown say. I hear his footsteps and I know I should go to my seat, but my feet are just not moving. “Let’s begin with-”

“You can’t just go around campus spreading lies about me Josh!” I shout. I watch him ignore me as he reaches inside his bag for his pencil case. “You were the one who did wrong to me! You were the one-”

“Oh, shut up Rachel,” says Josh while turning around and scowling up at me.

“Ok, what’s going on?” I hear Mr. Brown ask, but I ignore him.

“I will not shut up! I will-”

“You’ll what, Rachel?” Josh asks while sliding out of his chair, making it skid against the floor before falling over.

I hold his glare as he towers above me. I refuse to back down from this. I’m not going to allow him to bully me and spread lies about me.

“Alright, enough,” I hear Mr. Brown, but I don’t dare pull my gaze away from Josh. “Class dismissed.” I hear everyone skidding their chairs back, picking up their backpacks, and footsteps towards the door. Josh turns away from me, grabbing his things, but I still don’t move.

“Rachel, a word please.”

I freeze as Mr. Brown’s words halt my heart. Slowly, I turn around, finding my drawing teacher leaning against his desk with his arms crossed. He raises an eyebrow at me, making my stomach twist. I grimace when I hear Josh’s chuckling behind me. A part of me wants to turn around and tell him to shut up, but I’m too afraid of what Mr. Brown is going to tell me.

I shouldn’t have been so stupid. I should have left this mess for after class. God, what a crappy morning. Is this semester ever going to be normal?

Sniffing, I realize I am crying while I approach Mr. Brown and worry spreads through me as I wonder if he’s going to kick me out of this class. I nibble on my bottom lip and cradle my bag closer to me.

“Yes, Mr. Brown?” I ask softly while lowering my gaze to the floor.

“What was that?”

I shake my head and close my eyes. “It was nothing. I’m so sorry I caused a scene.”

I hear his sigh and my eyes snap open as he says, “Rachel-”

“It won’t happen again. It was stupid.”

Mr. Brown shakes his head. “I’m worried about you. What’s going on between you and Josh? That obviously wasn’t nothing.”

My bottom lip trembles and I swallow a sob, knowing I need to leave now or I’m going to break down in front of Mr. Brown, whom I respect. I don’t want him thinking I’m being some silly little freshman.

“It’s nothing,” I rush out while turning around.

I bump into a chair and nearly trip over it as I head for the door. Righting it quickly, I shrug on my bag and try very hard not to run towards my escape.

“Rachel, I’m only trying to help.”

I pause, my hand hovering just above the door handle.

“If not me, you should at least try to talk to someone.”

Tears stream down my cheeks while I slowly turn around. I don’t know why, but there was something in his voice that made me want to open my stupid mouth. “Josh tried to,” I sniff, not knowing if I can even say the words.

“Tried what, Rachel?” Mr. Brown asks calmly.