Charlie sighs and rubs her head while Lauren’s scowl deepens.
“You know exactly what’s going on,” Lauren says darkly. “You’ve made Josh feel like a complete social pariah in our group.”
“What?” I breathe. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“We know,” says Charlie.
My eyes widen as I look between them. They know what happened between me and Josh? The asshole actually told them? “Are you siding with him?” I ask, horror filling me and making my voice sound shrill to my ears.
“Of course we’re siding with him!” Lauren shouts. “Why wouldn’t we?”
“He actually told you what he did to me and you’re siding with him?” I ask, tears streaming down my cheeks. These girls are supposed to be my friends. They’re supposed to have my back and instead they decide to team up with Josh, who almost raped me?
“What he did to you?” Lauren shouts. “You mean what you did to him! You should actually be ashamed of yourself.”
“What did I ever do to him?”
“Alright, enough,” says Charlie while placing herself in between me and Lauren. She presses a hand gently against my chest and makes space. “Let’s talk about this later,” she adds while looking around.
“Oh, I’m done here,” says Lauren while whirling around and walking away.
“Lauren!” Charlie calls while sounding exasperated. She sighs and shakes her head before turning back to me. “Rachel, just give us some space, ok?” She says while staring back at me sadly. “It’s a lot for us to take in.”
“What do you need to take in?” I shout. “What did he even say? None of this makes sense.”
Charlie sighs and lifts her gaze, staring upwards at the cloudy sky for a moment before returning her attentions back to me. “He told us the reason why he hasn’t been hanging around, and the reason why you’ve been acting so weird when he does come around, is because you tried to kiss him.”
“What?” I shout, my hands clenching as I feel rage boil over.
Charlie nods. “He also told us that you wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Charlie shrugs. “And then you trashed his place when you couldn’t have things your way.”
Charlie holds up a hand and whatever I want to say quickly dies in my throat. “Let’s talk about this later I’m already late for class.”
I watch her turn around and leave me in the cold, sniffing and trying to hold back my tears. The coffee forgotten, I slowly trudge towards my class, knowing there is absolutely nothing that could make this day get any better.
I grit my teeth as I think of Josh.
Well, there is one way I could feel a bit better, I think while tightening my grip on my bag.
I throw open the door and stride inside my drawing class, ignoring the loud thump the door makes against the wall as my scowl swivels onto Josh talking to one of the girls in the corner of the room. I ignore the stares as I stalk towards him, my hands fisting into tight little balls I imagine pummeling him with.
How could he say that?
How could he turn the tables around, making me out as the bad guy when it was him who had attacked me?
I stop next to him, my glare darkening as he turns towards me. A look of worry and confusion pulls his brows tight. I don’t know what angers me more. What he said to Charlie or Lauren? Or the fact that he seems to think he’s done no wrong?
“Rachel, what’s-”
“What the actual fuck Josh?” I shout in his face.
I hear the girl Josh had been talking to step away from us while I watch Josh’s eyes widen in recognition. He crosses his arms and leans away from me. “So, you spoke with Charlie and Lauren?”I ask while shoving a finger in his face. “How dare you! How dare you spin the tables on-”
“How dare you steal my friends away from me!” Josh shouts back.