I scowl at the basket filled with fruit on the table in the middle of the room, catching Josh watching me before returning my gaze to my drawing. The jerk keeps trying to catch my attention and I am way too hungover to be dealing with his antics. It’s only the second day of this class and already I am contemplating dropping it. I just can’t take it. I can’t focus with Josh in the room. And maybe it’s just the hangover talking, but I also suck at drawing. I really, really do. There’s no way I can pass this class with the way things are going.

“Alright,” says Mr. Brown while clapping his hands twice, making the ache in my head press against my temples. I stifle a groan while I shove my pencil back into its bright pink case. “That’s enough for today. I will see you all tomorrow.”

I slide my sunglasses back over my face and pack up my things, moving at an incredibly slow pace in order to avoid Josh. Yesterday I noticed he ran out of here, so most likely he has a class right after this. I mean, I do too, but at this point I think I’m going to skip it.

I swallow a gag, feeling bile rise. Yep, I’m totally going to skip it. I straighten myself while sliding my backpack over one shoulder. I muster up the strength to walk towards the door, feeling like my body is going to snap at the slightest little breeze the rustles through the room.

“Rachel, is it?”

I turn to Mr. Brown, who is currently sitting with a very bright smile on his face as he watches me.

I nod curtly and then curse myself for moving so violently. I press my fingers against my temple as the pounding in my head continues. “Yes, Mr. Brown?”

“May I have a word?”

All air leaves my lungs as I turn to the door and all the beauty it holds. I know what this is about. Mr. Brown is irritated I came to his class reeking of beer. I shouldn’t be hungover in his class. Coming was a mistake.

I shakily grab a chair and drag it in front of his desk. Standing is just not possible for me and now that Mr. Brown has seen through my attempts to remain unruffled by my hangover, all my strength has left. I slump in the chair, waiting for him to admonish me.

“I was wondering if you’ve taken a drawing class before?”

I blink as his words seep through me. I don’t really know where this is going and I don’t know if I like it. “No,” I say, grimacing when my voice comes out as a croak. I clear my throat and quickly add, “I took some in high school, but this is my first time taking a college drawing course.”

Mr. Brown nods and I watch as his smile somehow seems to grow. “Well, you’re quite good.”

“Really?” I ask. I take a moment to pinch myself, wondering if I somehow slept through my alarm clock. I grimace when I feel pain and my face flashes as I hear Mr. Brown chuckle.

“Yeah, you have a real talent.”

“Are you sure?” I ask while leaning in, wondering if he’s somehow made some sort of mistake. “It’s only the second day. How can you tell already?”

Mr. Brown nods. “Oh, I can tell. I wanted to speak with you about an internship position.”

I blink. Really, I must be dreaming. This keeps getting better and better.

“I know the semester has just begun, but I don’t think it’s too late to look into it.” Mr. Brown slides a paper towards me, displaying the Eiffel Tower as well as the words ‘Six Week Art Internship’. “It starts in July and goes until mid-August. As you can see it’s in Paris.”

“Are you sure?” I ask, my voice practically a whisper. “I mean, I’m just a Freshman. Wouldn’t it be better to recommend one of your Juniors or Seniors for this position?”

Mr. Brown nods. “Oh, don’t you worry. They’ll be applying, too. But I believe in you.” He winks while leaning back in his chair. “Apply for the program and build your portfolio. You’ll need it when they ask you for an interview.”

“Thank you,” I whisper while standing, a smile tugging at my lips. “Thank you so much.”

Mr. Brown raises his hands and shakes his head. “I haven’t done anything. You’re the one who needs to put in the work.”

I nod vehemently. “Yes. And I will.”

I turn on my heel, nearly skipping on my way towards the door.

“Oh, and Rachel.”

I stop and turn around, a large smile on my face.

Mr. Brown winces as he says, “Maybe next time don’t come to class smelling like a bar. I understand you’re a Freshman and all and this is a bit of a party school, but even I have my limits.”

I chuckle and nod. “Yes, of course, Mr. Brown. It won’t happen again.”