Rachel clasps her bra and shakes her head with a chuckle. “You boys will be the death of me,” she says while grabbing her shirt. “I have so much homework to do. It’s not even funny.”
I watch Lucas stride towards Rachel and swallow the bitter taste of jealousy as he takes her hand and kisses her knuckles, as if he is her handsome prince. “Rain check?”
Rachel giggles. “Of course.”
I frown, watching as she nuzzles her nose against his. I don’t know why I feel so jealous. We are all in a relationship with Rachel. She treats us equally and fairly, but I can’t help but feel like I’m a third wheel. Maybe it’s because I left the ski trip? It’s probably that. Or it could be we got into a fight and I refuse to talk about it. Honestly, it could be loads of things.
I still as Rachel glances over her shoulder and smiles at me. “You want to study with me, Hunter? I can order some Chinese.”
I blink, knowing it would do me some good, but I shake my head. “No, I need to get some rest.” Liar, I hear a dark voice whisper in the back of my head. “Today was pretty exhausting with football practice and all.” Fucking liar.
Rachel frowns, but nods. “Oh, okay.”
I watch them leave. Even after the door has clicked closed, I continue watching the place Rachel and Lucas once stood while loneliness overcomes me.
It isn’t until I get a text from Millie that I finally decide to dress and leave my room. I have no clue why she is messaging me after the way I treated her last time, but I guess the girl wanted to try again.
I don’t understand women.
Actually, these days, I don’t even understand myself. I shouldn’t be going. Last time I was at a party, I got so messed up I didn’t return home until late yesterday afternoon and then I spent all of today in bed, feeling like absolute shit. I should be resting, drinking water, talking to Rachel about why I’ve been such a jerk these days.
But going to a party sounds much better than thinking about my problems.
I try to ignore the eyes on me when I leave my room. The whole gang is hanging out in the living room with boxes filled with noodles, rice, Kung Pow Chicken, and Sweet and Sour Chicken surrounding them on the floor.
“Hey, man!” calls Seth while slowly standing.
“‘Sup,” I say. I head for the kitchen, not bothering to meet their curious and possibly annoyed gazes. I lean over the sink and guzzle down several gulps of water, which immediately helps the ache in my head. My hands shake as I hold onto the counter. The smell of food is making my stomach gurgle.
I still haven’t had anything to eat.
“You look pretty,” continues Seth while smacking my shoulder.
I know I don’t. I haven’t shaved in days nor have I showered. I just haven’t felt like it. Everything seems so difficult these days. Everything, that is, but sleeping. I pretty much tied my hair into a man bun, sprayed some axe, and called it a day. Although, I should probably make some time for a shower at some point. My hair is so greasy it’s starting to look brown.
“Where you off to?” I hear Lucas ask.
I wipe my mouth and turn around, finding Lucas standing next to Seth with his arms crossed.
I shrug. “Millie messaged me about a party. Thought I would go.”
Lucas and Seth look at each other and I hold back an irritated sigh.
“Millie?” asks Lucas while raising an eyebrow at me.
“I didn’t know you’re still hanging out with her,” says Seth.
I nod. “We hang out occasionally.”
“Why?” asks Lucas, glancing over his shoulder at Rachel, who’s still sitting on the floor, pretending not to listen while she pokes her chicken with her chopsticks.
“I don’t know.” I stalk past them towards the door, my shoulder bumping into Seth’s. I grind my teeth, holding back a hiss of pain while my fists clench and unclench. Why are they asking me so many fucking questions? I’m a grown ass man. I can do what I want. “It’s just a party,” I say while shrugging on my only coat, reminding myself to find the other one I had left behind.
“Well, can we come?” Asks Seth while gesturing towards himself and Lucas.
I stifle a groan, knowing it would seem weird to them. A part of me wants to meet up with Drew and Jerry again.