I look around for a moment, finding girls laughing while sitting on the countertops, but I don’t see Millie.

Maybe this is a bad idea.

“Hey handsome,” I hear someone say from behind, feel arms reaching around me and a chin nuzzling into my shoulder.

I turn and see Millie, her blonde hair curled and framing her face. Bright eyes gleam up at me while she presses her breasts against my arm. Her hand laces with mine and she pulls me deeper into the chaos with not another word.

I follow her into a small room with several raggedy couches resting against wooden walls. It’s quieter here with only a few guys sitting in a corner, talking quietly to themselves. They don’t even glance our way as Millie pushes me onto the couch. I watch them for a moment, wondering why they seem so vacant. I don’t recognize them from classes or from any sports, but then again the campus is big.

“It’s been awhile,” says Millie while unzipping my coat.

She hovers above me for a moment, her gaze raking over me like I’m some sort of juicy steak she’s about to sink her teeth in. I feel another twinge of guilt sting my heart and sit up, trying to focus on my surroundings and not on the beautiful girl lifting her leg up to straddle my lap.

I cringe as I see her naked thigh, realizing just now that she’s wearing a very short skirt, and it’s currently riding up, nearly exposing her underwear. I can feel her warmth against my lap and my cock twitches, wanting to sink deep inside her. I grind my teeth, hating myself for being here and feeling this way when I should be with Rachel.

I clear my throat, focusing on the smoke smudged walls on the guys in the corner nodding off. One is wearing a baseball cap pushed over his forehead and covering his face. His brown curls are tangled and hang limply on his shoulders. The other sitting next to him has his black hoody up with his chin to his chest, appearing like he’s sleeping with his eyes closed.

Well, they’re the life of the party, now aren’t they? I think while my eyes slide to the door.

“Yeah, it has been awhile,” I say, not knowing what else to tell her. It’s not like Millie and I were ever known for our lengthy, deep, all-nighter discussions. Usually we spoke through our bodies, not with our lips, unless our lips were on each other’s bodies.

“I’ve missed you,” Millie pouts while stroking my face, leaning in close to me.

I slide my tongue over my teeth as her cleavage is practically thrown into my face. I’m so close to throwing her off me and running away or throwing her on the couch and having my way with her in front of these losers.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I need to go. I need to return home and call Rachel and apologize for being an ass.

Lips meet my jaw and I flinch, my fingers digging into the couch to keep from touching Millie. Her tongue traces the shell of my ear and I feel guilt and desire pull and push at me, as if I have a demon and an angel on each shoulder pulling me back and forth.

“Have you missed me?” she breathes into my ear.

I open my eyes and turn towards her. Licking my lips, I open my mouth, not knowing what I’m about to say or do. Millie leans into me, her lips slowly lowering onto mine until-

The door slams open and we both jump. “Jesus!” Millie shouts, sliding off me and pulling down her skirt. I see a flash of black panties and quickly look away, finding two men standing at the door. They look between us, their eyes narrowing on the guys passed out across from us.

“There they are,” said one, a tall and thin looking man who has to be at least ten years older than me. He sways towards the guys, shaking one’s shoulder violently. “Wake the fuck up!” he shouts, but the guy only slides further into the couch, groaning but his eyes remaining firmly close.

“Millie,” says the other man, closer to my age with a pudgy face and a thick gut. He’s wearing a thick Aurora sweater with the hood up. He grabs Millie’s arm and pulls her into him, giving her a big bear hug and making her giggle.

“Oh, Drew!” she laughs while smacking his shoulder. “Put me down!”

Drew sets her down, his eyes sliding to mine. He steps towards me while I stand, eagerly making my way for the door. “I should get going,” I murmur, keeping my head downcast. I cringe as I watch the other man out of the corner of my eye grab one of the sleepers, dragging him off from the couch before shoving him back down.

“No, stay,” says Drew, placing a hand on my chest before I can make it to the door. “I interrupted you two. I apologize.”

I shook my head. “It’s nothing. I was about to leave anyway.” I turn to Millie, giving her an apologetic look while she frowns at me and crosses her arms.

“You look like you could use some fun,” says Drew while walking around me. He pats Millie’s shoulder before sitting down into the sofa. “Jerry, will you stop it already?” he says to his accomplice with a sigh. “They’re obviously out of it. Just give it a break. We’ll get them in the morning.” He pats his lap and Millie smiles, hopping onto his leg and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Jerry sighs and sits down next to the sleepers, taking out a plastic bag of some sort of white powder. I frown, my feet shifting from side to side. I don’t want to be rude and up and leave, worried Millie will spread around to the frats and sororities I behaved like a little bitch at a party she invited me to. But, whatever is in that bag, it can’t be good. I could lose my football scholarship. Hell, scratch that, if the cops were to bust this place, I could say goodbye to a football career.

“Don’t worry,” says Drew with a large smile. “Come, talk with us. We won’t bite.”

I shake my head. “I really should probably get going.”

Drew sighs. “It’s just, you look like you saw a ghost or something.”

I shrug. “I’m just… having an off night.”