I frown at the clutter in his room. There’s close and tennis shoes everywhere with piles of trash littering the area around the trashcan, however, my gaze focuses on the bags and suitcases lying in the middle of the room.

“You’re staying at your dad’s?” I ask while motioning towards the bags.

Hunter shakes his head while grabbing several shirts from his bed.

“Are you going somewhere?”

Hunter chuckles. “Well, obviously. Which shirt do you think I should take?” He holds up a white button down and a gaudy yellow and orange shirt I have no clue where he bought from.

“The white one,” I say while making a face.

He stuffs it into his suitcase without bothering to fold it, making me want to throw the lid open and rearrange everything neatly, knowing the inside was probably just as messy as his room if not more.

“Where are you going? Is there some sort of football camp you do?”

Hunter looks at me innocently while shaking his head. “No. I’m going to the airport.”

I deadpan, placing my hands on my hips, wondering why he is being so cheeky with me. “Okay, wise guy.”

Hunter chuckles and reaches for some papers on his bed. I notice his passport is also there, which is strange. He hands the papers to me and I stare down, my eyes widening upon the ticket I hold in his hand. My gaze lingers on the city, reading: Paris.

“You’re coming to Paris?” I breathe, unable to control my voice any longer. I look up, watching him nod. My heart has completely stopped. “You’re coming to Paris today?”

He chuckles and nods again. “Don’t look so surprised. I can still leave the country, you know.”

I lunge for him, wrapping my arms around his neck while planting my lips on his. He chuckles, his arms coming around me, holding me tight to him while he twirls us around. I end the kiss, meeting his blue gaze and feeling joy swell my heart. “I can’t believe you’re actually coming with us. How were you able to save up the money?”

Hunter shrugs while setting me down. “Dad bought the ticket. He’s been feeling kind of bad these days about everything. When I was talking to him about it, he said he would help if I did some chores around the house for him.”

I smile and nuzzle my nose against him. “I’m so happy.”

“Why are we so happy?” I hear Seth call from behind.

Hunter and I turn, finding Seth and Lucas hovering at the doorway. “Hunter is coming with us!” I shout, feeling elated. This is the happiest news I could get today.

Seth’s eyes widen and he turns to Lucas. “Are you sure you packed enough condoms?”

Lucas rolls his eyes. “We’ll be fine.” He leans against the doorframe, his lips twitching into a grin. “Happy to have you, Hunter.”

“Will there be enough room?” Hunter asks, sounding slightly uneasy.

Seth scoffs. “It’s Lucas. There’s probably a thousand rooms in this so called apartment.”

Lucas raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t say anything, which makes me think that Seth isn’t exaggerating.

“How did you convince your dad to let you go?” Lucas asks.

I’m wondering much the same. His dad didn’t even want Hunter moving back into our apartment and now he’s buying him a ticket to Paris. I know his dad feels bad, but I doubt he feels THAT bad.

Hunter chuckles and rubs the back of his head. “Well, we had a pretty big talk. Probably the longest one we’ve had in years.” Hunter smiles softly. “It was a good talk. He’s hoping I come back fluent in French.” He turns his gaze to me and his smile broadens. “Or get a cute girlfriend.”

I shake my head and go up onto my tiptoes to flick his nose.

“Ouch!” Hunter laughs before grabbing my hand and yanking me towards him, seizing my lips once more.

“Alright, taxi is here!” Seth shouts from the living room.

I quickly release Hunter and run to my room, throwing on my backpack and grabbing my purse and suitcase before scrambling through the hallway with all my gear. Seth stops, wearing only a backpack, and he shakes his head at me while scowling at all my bags.